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Clockwork opened her eyes, the room was dark yet she could still see. She glanced to her left and smiled, Toby was asleep leaning on her. He looked calm and cute, she smiled as she put a hand on his cheek. Her heart raced as she did, fighting the urge to kiss him. She sighed as she closed her eyes, regret lingered in her mind. Regretting not kissing him, regretting the feeling she kept from him. She wondered if he loved her, she smiles hoping he did. Her heart begged that she was right, but her mind told her to give up. But she wouldn't she hadn't felt this in a long time, back when she was a teen. She was twenty-three, eight years of nothing but numbness. He brought some many feelings she forgot she had, some she never knew she had. Though she knew she loved him, she would kill anyone who tried to take him away. He was hers, she didn't care who she had to hurt, he would be hers. She smiled tho king of the bloodshed she would cause for just one boy, she opened her eyes and looked at the door. She would ask Brian what Toby likes, she wanted him to be hers. For him to his her in his arms, to say sweet nothings to her. It may be a dream to her but she will cling to it no matter what, she wouldn't let this boy go. Not like the last one, her asshole ex. He left cause she loved creepy and gory shit, she enjoyed ripping him from limb to limb. But first, he had to watch his girlfriend go through the same thing first, he enjoyed him begging her to stop. That he was sorry, that he would do anything for her to just stop. But she wanted him to feel the same pain as her, what he left her to feel after he left to rot in this world. She smiled before closing her eyes again, she was still tired. The birds started to chirp waking Toby, he yawned as he sat up straight. He looked to his right to see clockwork asleep, he smiled as he moved her hair out of her face. He got up and stretched his bones popping, he smiled as he stood up. He walked to the bag grabbing a snack from it, he began to eat as he looked at clockwork. She looked at peace as she slept, he sighed wondering what it would be like to be together with her. He sighed as he looked away, he finished his food leaving the wrapper on the ground. He got up and walked to her, he slightly shook her.

" Clockwork it's time to wake up," he said.

She opened her eyes and looked around, she smiled as she looked at Toby.

" Hey Toby," she yawned as she stood up.

He smiled as he grabbed his jacket, clockwork did the same as Toby waited at the door. She walked to the door and waited for Toby to open the door, Toby opened the door and walked out. Clockwork walked out closing the door, Toby and clockwork walked together towards the woods.

" so clockwork how was your sleep," he said with a smile.

" It was good," she said as she looked at him. " how was your sleep?" she asked with a smile

He smiled as he looked at her.

" I had a good sleep, I don't remember my dream," he said with a smile.

Clockwork nodded as she looked ahead, she was kinda excited to visit Tim and Brian. Though mostly Brian, she had questions for him. She needed to know Toby's interests, she wanted him to like her.

" so clocky would you like to go on a small walk when we get back, like the two of us," he asked his face turning red.

His heart pounded against his chest as he waited for her answer, she turned to him and smiled. His heart fluttered, he was convinced he was having a heart attack.

" Sure I would love to," she said sweetly.

He smiled as he grabbed his sweater where his heart would be, God she would be the death of him.

" You alright Toby," she said as she touched his arm.

He smiled at her and gave a small nod, she smiled back and looked ahead. She flustered thinking about his smile, he looked perfect in her eyes. Sadly she knew how he felt about his face, how he tried to hide it from the world. He was the man of her dreams, a true gift from the gods.

" Clockwork, I have a question," he asked as his hand shook.

He wanted to ask her to be hers but he had no idea how to say it.

" what is it," she said as she looked at him with a smile.

He began to speak, his heart pounding hoping it came outright.

ticciwork (Being Rewritten)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant