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The sun had finally raised as they got everything in the but, the food was put away and clockworks bag was put in the storage. Tim had driven away again he didn't want to stay, as he was still mad that the girl was with them. He found it pointless to have her here, he thought she should find her own place and take Toby with her. Toby yawned as he placed down the bed, and walked to clockwork. God he was so tired, he felt so burned out.

"Why don't you go to bed," clockwork said to toby who was dozing off.

He looked at her and smiled, before going to his bed and flopping down. He passed out, she chuckled at the sleeping boy. She smiled and looked at Brian who was making breakfast, as he was wide awake. The mission had kept him up, he couldn't fall asleep even if he tried.

"So clockwork any family," he asked looking at her.

"All dead," she said as she walked to the table, she gazes looked at the table, and smiled.

"Sorry to hear," he said with a sorry look in his eyes.

"Don't be I killed, there was a good reason for it too," she said as she turned to him with a small smile.

he nodded and continued to make eggs, as he now felt awkward now.

"How about you," she said calmly

"Yeah, but they all think I'm dead," he said as he looked at her with a smile.

She nodded and looked at the covered window, this was the nicest place she stayed at after killing her family. she liked it, though it was a little cramped but it worked.

"So why did you kill them anyway," he asked slightly ceruse.

"My brother was a rapist and my father was an abusive man, my mother let it all happen," she said as she looked at her hands remembering all the bad things they would do to her.

"Did they hurt you?" he asked concerned.

"My father did mostly, but my brother did a few times," she said with tears in her eye.

He nodded and looked at her with a small smile, he turned to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She stiffened before relaxing, she was safe.

"It always gets better, and if you don't believe me your family is probably in hell," he said with a smile.

she smiled and looked at him, wiping a tear away. She took a seat next to the table and sighed, rubbing her head as a headache of on its way.

"Thanks," she said as she look back at the covered window.

He nodded as he went back to cooking, he glanced at clockwork.

"Go take a nap, I'll wake you when food is ready," he said with a smile.

she nodded and stood up, walking away from the table and towards her bed. She lied down, she was exhausted. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Brian smiled as he kept cooking, he saw a potential friendship with clockwork. She was different from most people, she also had the personality of one of his old friends. Though his friend was dead, she had an exact same personality as him that if he didn't know better or was crazy enough he would have believed she was him. But Alex was long gone, forever lost to history, and it would stay like that. Brian sighed as he put the eggs on the plate and began to cook another batch, he glanced back at the sleeping duo. They looked so happy, mostly Toby because he had his bed back. Brian went back to the eggs, a smile still on his face. He could see that the two of them would become friends, they were so similar it was saddening. Brian knew everything about Toby due to the small make being a social butterfly just like himself, they just talked and talked till Tim would get pissed at them. Brian looked at the cooler and smiled, the food clockwork had was going to help the group. He looked back to the eggs, there was food he hadn't had in years. He sighed as he put the cooked eggs on another plate, he grabbed another egg and began to cook it. He glanced at the two sleeping people and saw they were still asleep, they looked tired and he felt bad that he had to wake them up, but they needed to eat. He looked back at the eggs, he felt like his life was a loop. Cooking every day three times a day, getting water to cook, clean, and drink every day. Getting wood for the fire, every day. He felt like he had no control of his life like it was on repeat. The only time it felt like it was his life was when they brought Toby back and he had a girl with him, everything was different. The fights, the meals how many dishes he washed and took out. How many meals he cooked, and how long he had to himself. He felt free, he had hours to himself as the two young adults were asleep or out getting wood or water. He smiled, he looked at the two new books on the table, they were clockworks but she already told him he could have them. He didn't care that they were horror books, he was happy to read something new. He looked back at the eggs and put them on the plate, he grabbed the pan and placed it in the pale that was used as a sink. He watched as the pan made the water sizzle, he sighed as he took a few steps back as he caught his breath. He felt lightheaded from cooking while being tired, he shook his head as he glanced at the two duos that are sleeping. He smiled before walking back to the counter, it was time for them to wake up they needed to eat.

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