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Toby was sitting on the ground as clockwork looked at the broken wall, they had enough wood to fix it and the floor. They would work on it after their break, they had been working all day. Clockwork walked to the bag and grab two snacks, she threw one of them to Toby. He smiled as it landed on his lap, he grabbed it and opened it. He munched on it quickly, he didn't know how hungry he was until now. Clockwork chuckled as she looked at him, she found him funny. She unwrapped her snack and began to eat, Toby got up and put the garbage in the backpack. He walked to the wall and grabbed some nails and a hammer, than grabbing a plank of wood dragging it to the broken wall. He pushed the wood against the old wood and nailed it together, starting from the top than working to the bottom. When he went to grab another plank of wood, he notice Clockwork was dragging her plank to the wall. He smiled and grabbed a plank of wood, dragging it to the wall. He began to nail the wood again, while clockwork walked away from the wall. He took no notice to her he was to busy, clockwork held her head. It felt like someone was pounding her skull from the inside, she shook her head and went back to work. They had to fix the wall, the weather didn't care about her headache. She grabbed another piece of wood and dragged it back to the wall, nailing it to the wall. She pulled on it making sure it was sturdy, she smiled as it held. She grabbed more nailed and grabbed another piece of wood, dragging it back to the wall and nailing it to the wall. She dropped to the floor as the pain increased, Toby looked at her worried and walked to her.

" Are you alright clocky," he asked

" yeah, my head just hurts," she said as she looked at him.

He sighed and sat next to her.

" go and get some rest, I'll work on the wall," he said as he took her hammer away.

She nodded and handed him her nails and walked to the other side of the house, lying down and closing her eyes. Toby sighed as he went back to work, he tried to be quiet but the hammer made some noise. Though he had to get this done, he knew a big storm was coming. He could smell it in the air, he always had that gift ever since he was little. His grandma taught him when he was seven when his family went camping. He sighed and grabbed another board, dragging it to the wall. He nailed it in place and checked if it would hold, he caught him self when the board gave out. He sighed and nailed it in place again, doubling the nails. He checked if it would hold, he smiled when it did. He grabbed another plank of wood and dragged it to the wall, he nailed it to the wall and checked it. He did this for over two hours, it would have been an hour if clockwork was helping. But she needed her rest, he was fine doing this alone. He could be in his thoughts without worries, he like being in his thoughts. He use to hate it, after his sisters death that's all he had left. His thoughts, it was dark back them. He sighed as he looked at the finished wall, he was tired. He would work on the floor tomorrow, he walked to clockwork and lied next to her. He let out a yawn and fell asleep. It began to snow as the wind blew cold air, only the snow got in.

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