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Clockwork opened her eyes to see daylight, the sun bouncing off the snow blinding her. She sighed and sat up, her head hurt like a son of a bitch. She looked around to see nothing but her shed, she sighed and walked back to the shed. She packed her map of the city that was under her bed, it wasn't safe there anymore. She walked out and headed into the city, she knew many abandoned places. The map had pink sharpie circles around building on the man, empty places that would never be used again as they sat empty and abandoned. Though she didn't want to be spotted, since there were kids videotaping shit and some homeless people who were ready to jump her for fresh food. She walked down the snowed-out road, keeping her balance even though she stumbled on the icy sidewalk. She watched as cars passed by her, she smiled thinking about gutting those poor souls as they screamed. She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out her iPod, she was going to McDonald's. She needed to charge her device again, she enjoyed the music and it was great company.

She walked into the restaurant, the smell of fast food made her mouth water. She would kill just to taste that over greased burgers and over salted fries again, she shook her head knowing she had no money on her. Her legs burning from the long walk, she felt her legs cramping along her musel. Her eyes scanned the room, a bunch of people stuffing their mouths with the fattening food, she was jealous. She sighed as the room was packed, only one table that had out of order. She walked to a table and plugged her iPod in, she kept her hood up hiding her face. Flicking the small sign down, the table was more like broken but she didn't care.

"Hey since your not ordering I get your spot," a woman said rudely as she put a hand on her hip as if it would do something. "Plus my kid wants to charge their phone, they deserve it," she said pointing to their crouch goblin who was picking their nose.

"I'm good," clockwork said annoyed.

"Excuse me what did you say," she said angrily.

"I'm using the charger to charge my iPod," clockwork said pointing to the pink iPod.

"why don't you go home and do that," she said as if she found the cure to cancer.
"Because I'm homeless, you know no house. Sleeping on the street, trying to survive my life without dying," Clockwork said annoyed glaring at the woman.

She wasn't surprised she had the Karen haircut, she kinda expected it.

"Omg you are too close to my kid, you're going to spread your sickness," clockwork smiled wide before leaning close and coughed at their child who was looking at their mom.

The woman screamed and dragged her crouch goblin away, she smiled and looked at her hands. She did a good thing to the world, she chuckled before letting out a sigh.

"Can I sit with you," a voice asked softly.

"Why," she asked confused that someone want to sit with them, even with tables that were now empty.

"Because clockwork that would be a nice thing to do," the male whispered with a smile that caused clockwork to widen her eye.

She snapped her head to the male, causing a loud pop that made a few people gag. A smile grew on her face, she never expected to see them again.

"So you got away," she whispered softly.

"Barley," he said with a chuckle.

They stopped talking when yelling was heard, they turned and looked seeing the Karen lady from before. She was out of control, she had pushed people to the ground just to talk to the people behind the counter. A man was helping an old lady back on her cane, she was one of the victims that were pushed.

"She assaulted my kid," she yelled pointing at clockwork, nobody glanced at her but the screaming lady.

A man walked to you from behind the counter, he wanted her to stop screaming. The Karen smiled as if she won the war, the male stopped at clockworks table.

"Ma'am did you assault this kid," the males asked not really caring.

"No but I did cough on him on accident, she was mad because I live on the streets. She called me a disease because I'm homeless," clockwork said as she faked cried.
"See arrest her, before she spread her disease to more people," she said dramatically, expecting everyone to take her side.

The man calmed her down as the woman screamed about bee disease.

" will leave, I don't want to stay anymore. I'm afraid she'll hurt me again like she did the last time I saw her. She took my money and told me to get a job, the money I made was meant for my uniform. I lost my job because of her" clockwork said as she unplugged her iPod and ran out of the store fake crying as everyone glared at the lady who was still yelling about her.

"Your a horrible person, what you did to her," the man said.

"I'll do it again, I'm doing it to make this world safer," she said not knowing the lies clockwork had said.

A man called the cops while the other male kept recording, they had a full confession. Toby followed her out, he didnt want to be in the crossfire. Knowing cops would be called, he didn't want to test his luck.

"So where are you going," he asked looking at her.

" away from this place, cops are coming and she going to be arrested for theft and assault," clockwork said with a big smile.

"So can I stay with you, I don't want to go to a friend's house and get bitched at again," he asked as she looked at him.

"Sure, safer in a group than alone in this city," she said with a small nod.

"So how is early winter going for you," Toby asked with a smile.

"Bad, it's fucking cold and the snow leaves a trace," she huffed in annoyance.

"I hear ya, you want to kill something," he said jumping in front of her, only to slip on ice and fall to the ground.

"Sure" clockwork laughed as she put out her hand.

The male took it and got pulled up, he laughed at his wipeout, rubbing the snow off his ass, he looked down and smiled at the ice that blended in too well.

"Follow me," he said pulling clockwork by her arm.

"I'm going to slip," she said trying to keep up with the male who didn't seem fazed by the ice.

ticciwork (Being Rewritten)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang