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Weeks had passed and Clockwork was still with them, Tim had given up as he knew she wasn't leaving unless Toby did. So he came back in defeat, bringing Toby's stuff back as a treaty. Toby and clockwork bond had grown stronger, they were like best friends. Brian and Tim's relationship had grown further apart as Tim saw becoming aggressive, Brian had trouble handling it but pulled through. The reason for their fights and Tim's anger was them running out of food, there was now a week left to feed all of them. Brian and clockwork were planning their mission as Toby was getting supplies for the hut, while Tim did his own thing. They just left Tim alone, it was for the best. they didn't want another fight, last time it got physical and Tim had to sleep outside as Tim tends to take his anger out on everyone even if they were sleeping.


Clockwork sat at the Table with Brian, they were still thinking of a plan.

"So why don't we kill someone in their house and steal their food, that's what I do. That's also how I met Toby," she said as she pointed to the pale boy who was fast asleep.

"Yes, that would work. but we have to be careful the police have been out since someone had a killing spree. we don't need to be in prison from our sloppy plan," he said as he looked at his cup of tea.

"Why don't we break into a store or something, nothing big, like the co-op I know how to get into one without setting an alarm. My brother taught me how to do it," clockwork said with a smile.

"How do you do that, and have you done it yourself," Brian asked, clockwork nodded with a smile.

"Well we will go to the roof and open the vent that leads into the store, you have almost every but one person leave the vent. One person stays on the roof so people can help the people in the vent, and take out the bags as well. Then you hand the person in the vent food then the person in the vent ties food to a rope then the food goes to the roof, the guy on the roof puts it in a bag. once all the bags are full the guy in the vent helps the people up, the guy on the roof helps the people in the vent. Then the people grab one bag and get down and leave. The car does have to be far away so it doesn't get caught on camera," she said with a smile. " I've done it 5 times, each one successful," Brian leaned towards interested in her plan now.

"Tell me how we're gonna do it," Brian asked with an evil smile.

"Around one o'clock we will park the car in the alleyway then climb to the roof, Tim will stay on the roof you or Toby will be in the vent. while I and Toby or you grab as much food as possible and placed the food in the bag that is tied to a rope, whoever is in the vent will pull it up then untie it to the rope that leads to the roof. Tim will pull the bag up before untying it and putting an empty one on and lower the bag down. Then repeat over till all the bags are full, I say we use 7 or 8 backpacks," she said as she finished her sentence.

Brian sat there shocked, how did this kid become a killer. she was smart and had such possible plans, unlike Toby and Tim. Who always jump into action, instead of thinking.

"I like it, let's do that one, we must do it on a warm night. we also need a mask, a new mask that we don't use so no one can pinpoint us to the crime," Brian said with a smile.

"Do you know when the next warm night is?" she asked as she looked at him with an excited smile.

"In three days," he said as he looked at the covered window.

The plan was set, it was going to work. In three days the most problematic team would do a mission together. Brian sat up and walked to the homemade stove and put some wood in it, he looked at clockwork a d smiled.

"You should get some sleep, you'll be getting the rest of the wood in the forest," Brian spoke softly, mention about the other trees they had chopped down.

Clockwork stood up and walked to her bed, she lied down and closed her eye. She was tired, more than usual. Brian smoked and waited for her to pass out, when she was out he walked to his bed and fell asleep.

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