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He took a step towards the body, it inched back as it looked at him in horror. He stopped and looked around, he noticed it was afraid of him.

" Are you ok?" he asked the body who shook in fright.

It looked at him, its hair sliding off its face showing its shineless eyes.

" I dont know where I am," it spoke as it's wiped the blood out of its eyes.

" Do you want me to help you out of the woods," Toby asked as the figure looked at him.

It nodded and walked to him and grabbed his arm, the figure was half his size it was the size of a small child. He began to walk, taking small steps so the figure was at his pace, the snow made it hard for the body to walk as it was up to their knees. He bent down and picked them up, they let out a screech as they tried to get out of his grip. He began to walk and shortly after the figure stopped fighting and watched where they were heading, he followed his trail in the setting sun that was now almost gone. He wondered if they should stay at the house for tonight, it would be the night when they got out to the outside world.

" do you want to stay at my house till morning comes," Toby asked as he looked at the figure.

They nodded and looked around, something felt off. They sighed and looked at the male who carried them, they questioned why the male bother them with such kindness. They wonder if this was a trap, was this male trying to fool them. They slipped their hand into their bag and held onto the knife, they would be ready for his attack if it did happen. They looked away from the male and looked at the sky, it was night now the sunset was gone and in it replace was the trillions of stars and a bright moon that shined just enough to see the path. Toby sighed as he glanced before finding the path again, he smiled as the clearing of the trees started to get closer. Toby looked around it was the two-out that he knew of but the feeling of being watched got stronger, he shook his head and went back to walking. He smiled as he made it around the corner and sighed as he saw the door, he walked to it and pushed it open. He smiled as he walked into the dark house, he put the figure down and closed the door. Taking off his boots and standing back up, he looked around it was too dark for him to see. He knocked on the door and heard a small gasp.

" who there," clockwork yelled as she held her knife tightly.

" it's me, Toby. Anyways do we have a flashlight we need to talk," he said as he held the figure's shoulder.

" can you wait tomorrow," she asked calmly.

" Unfortunately it can not," he spoke softly.

She sighed and grabbed the bag and fumbled for a candle and matches, she eventually found them and lit the candle. She looked up and froze seeing Toby and a smaller figure next to him.

" Did you bring anyone back," she asked fearful someone got in with him without him knowing.

" Yeah I brought someone back I'm going to bring them home in the day," he said calmly as he walked to her with the figure in hand. They sat down as clockwork looked at the figure in horror.

" Are you alright dear," she asked as she reached out for them.

The figure didn't move, it sat there looking at clockwork.

" I'm fine," the figure said as they wiped the blood away from their eyes.

Clockwork nodded and sat back as she looked at Toby.

" My name is clockwork and he's Toby, what's your name," clockwork spoke.

The figure looked at her and smiled.

" I'm sally," the figure said as she looked at the candle.

" How old are you," clockwork asked.

" I lost count a while ago but I know the year I was born," the figure spoke.

" What year was that," clockwork as ready to add the year up.

" nineteen forty-five," clockwork sat there as she looked at the bloody figure.

" sweety it's the twenty-first century, you're supposed to be old. Did anything happen to cause this," Toby said as the bloody body looked at him.

" Uncle Johnny killed me cause I didn't play his game right," the body spoke.

Silence, they dropped the conversation afraid of what she would say next. They would bring it up in the morning when everyone had the energy.

" We should get some sleep," Toby said as he lay down.

The two girls looked at him before looking at each other, clockwork sighed she knew what she meant. She hated that game, a game that should have never been made. She pulled the body next to her and went back to watching the candle, the body next to her closed her eyes going into a dream-like state. She blew out the candle and fell asleep shortly after, Sally opened her eyes and sighed as she looked at the sleeping adult next to her. She wondered if she was really dead, did he really kill her. She shook her head and laid her head back down, guess the meaning hell on earth was a reality of its own meaning. How ironic that she a full-fledged Christian was in hell, though she only hopped her parents got a different fate. She closed her eyes once again and waited till morning, she no longer dreamed or fell in a state of slumber. She just waited with her eyes close to see the morning, or whenever she opened her eyes as time no longer affected her physiology or physically. Yet for some reason, her mental state changed as if she never died and grew smarter and wiser.

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