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Tim burst through the door, letting the hot air out of the hut. He walked to Brian with big stomps and pushed him against the wall, Brian was not in the mood. He grabbed Tim and punched, watching him fall to the ground. Toby just watched in fear as clockwork stuffed her face, not bothering with the situation.

"Why is this bitch still here, and why are we feeding her our food. bad enough we have to feed the twitching freak, were just wasting food," Tim yelled as he stood back up.

"Your right, maybe next time you should cook. instead of being a lazy bitch and smoking our money away," Brian said as he gave Tim's food to clockwork, who was noticing the situation now.

Tim looked pissed, though Toby could only chuckle. They had always fraught like a married couple, though at times Tim took it too far. Tim swung and punch Brian in the face, the male stumbled back as his nose began to bleed. The room fell silent, but the look on Brians's face made the room feel heavy. Toby paled as he watched Brian slowly look at Tim, Tim was ready to fight he wasn't backing down.

"Clocky we need to leave," Toby said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room.

Clockwork watched as a fight started out, she watched as the shorter male try and swing only for the taller male to kick him in the gut. She didn't see anything after as she was drugged out of the house.

"Why can't we watch the fight," clockwork asked board out of her mind.

"The last time they fraught like this, I was in the crossfire, I had to get seventeen stitches in my neck. as Brian tried to slice him with a knife, but Tim he had ducked and it cut my neck. Also, I don't like fighting and didn't want to be alone outside," Toby said as he looked her in the eye.

"I'm used to fighting, my family always fought, and sometimes I was in the crossfire. so I'm used to it," she said as she walked beside Toby, who seemed tense.

Clockwork snapped her head when she heard a shatter from the house, Toby sighed as his head snapped up due to his ticks.

"I think we shouldn't go back to the house till it settles down," Toby said as he looked up at the sky.

"When will that be," she asked looking at Toby.

"It usually stops really late or in the early mornings," Toby said as he shrugged slightly.

"Than where will we sleep tonight," she asked as she yawned.

"I have a place just for these days," Toby said as he jogged into the woods.

Clockwork followed him though the snow slowed him down, though stopped when she no longer could see Toby.

"Toby, where did you go," she asked while she looked around.

"Over here," Toby yelled as he raised his pale hand up into the dark.

Clockwork smiled and walked towards him, she stopped and notices an abounded car that looked to be from the seventies. The windows were still intact, the car seats looked soft and clean.

"The back seats pull out into a bed," Toby said with a bed as he pulled the trunk open, he grabbed blankets from the trunk. "Get in it safe," he said as he looked at her. "wait I forgot to pull out the bed, My bad," he said with a laugh as he opened the door.

He handed her the blankets and pulled the bed down making it a bed, he smiled and took the blankets from her. Making the bed, before flopping down.

"Get in, it won't hurt you. Also, I won't try anything, I'm more of a romance type of guy," he said with a smile. "Though I have no chance with anyone as no one wants a psycho" Toby chuckled to himself.

Clockwork crawled in and lied down, Toby yawned as clockwork closed the door with a loud thump. He handed her a thick blanket, while he kept the fluffy blanket.

"I don't have pillows, so I hope you don't mind," Toby said with a smile.

" It's fine, I slept without one for many years," she said as she closed her eyes.

Toby nodded as she drifted into a slumber, he sat up and reached for his book, and began to read. He wasn't tired, the whole fight brought back flashbacks of his childhood. He glanced at her and smiled seeing her asleep, he chuckled and lied down looking at his book. The moonlight was just bright enough for him, though it was a waste Toby believed as the book was boring and he had read it and had others read it to him. He sighed as he closed the book and tossed it to the front, he had finished the Bible again for the hundreds of times. He lied on his back and began to think, why did Tim hate him so much. Toby understood he was annoying when he first meet him, but he had changed and Tim still seemed to hate him. It hurt him when he called him a twitching, he had told Tim many times not to call him that because it really hurt his feelings. Now it's all he calls him, along with his childhood nickname his bullies called him, ticci toby. He only calls him that when Brian wasn't around, Brian was against that name. He was trying to stop Tim from bullying Toby, yet it seemed pointless. He knew that it wasn't Tim who was calling him that, but the sickness was messing with him causing the mask male and Tim to fuse at times. Which cause the bullying and assaults, it only seemed to happen when the faceless creature was near them. Or when it's proxies that we're under its control was watching them, or near them. They were careful to pick things up and bring them home as the creature could infect the object. Toby sighed as he closed his eyes and fell into a slumber.

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