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Brian sighed as he laying in Tim's bed, the child was in his bed with clockwork and Tim had banned Brian from getting up due to a stronger dosage of pills. He really didn't want to take them, his old pills still work. He just felt little pain with them, he didn't feel dizzy and wobbly with them. He was tired of taking new pills once he starts to feel his body soreness, he knew that Tim cared but he wasn't disabled. He huffed as he closed his eyes, trying to stop the spinning room. He hated taking new pills, they gave him a high feeling. He never told anyone but he knew the feeling of highness, he wasn't a goody-two-shoes like everyone thought. He was rebellious in his teens and early adult life, he had gotten into many illegal supplements before. He only stopped after watching his friend OD in his mother's arms, he feared he would have the same fate. He decided to become a nurse, so people that went through the same things he did would be treated like a person and not a druggy.

" Tim, I need a bucket," Brian said as he held back his vomit the best he could.

Tim got up and grabbed the bucket and placed it next to his friend, before he could speak his friend hovered over the bucket and vomited. He watched as he shook as he gasped for air, he pat his back waiting for his friend to calm down.

" Take me off these pills now," Brian hissed as he looked up to his friend.

Tim watched as Brians's pupils swallowed the color part of his eyes, he rubbed his back trying to shush him.

" It's ok," he said.

" No it's not, don't let me go back to that lifestyle," Brian hisses at his friend.

" What?" Tim asked surprised at his friend's lash-out.

" I don't want to be a druggy again, don't make me break my promise," Brian shook before puking again.

Tim went to ask Brian what he meant but panicked as his friend passed out and slipped off the bed. He panicked and picked him up and place him back on the bed, he began to ponder on what he meant by that. He believed he knew everything about his friend, he had told him every secret. He froze as he started to think, he remembered Brians's mother telling him to stay away from drugs. He thought it was a joke, was it a joke. Did he really know his friend, he kept thinking. He remembered him telling him he was sorry for taking his pills, saying they helped him. He believed the pills kept that thing away, but he knew that people were known to take it to get a high. He signed as he stood up and walked away, he would ask him later. He hoped his thoughts were wrong, Brian was a good kid, always looking out for everyone no matter their past. Tim stopped, no matter their past. Brian only hung out with him as he saw how Tim looked shaken and drugged up. He had remembered he was on new pills and they made him feel high, Brian had taught him how to lose the high but kept the medicine inside when he had told him why he was on it. Did Brian think he was a druggy at first, he looked down and sighed. They came from bad past, one from a hospital where his parents left him to rot. The other one came from a good family with little money on the wrong side of the city, becoming a druggy to stop the hunger pain before getting addicted. Tim sighed, he wondered what his friend went through. What caused him to go down that life, a life a crime as a young youth. He shook his head as he put his head down, he would ask tomorrow. Tomorrow he would have the energy, tomorrow he would give his friend the old pills. Brian knew his own pain, he had to let Brian take his own pills when he wanted to. He needed to accept his friend's request before their friendship ends because he was trying to control something that wasn't his to control. The door opened and Toby walked in with a sled full of wood, Tim looked at him and waved weekly.

" Hey Toby," Tim said not knowing his voice held sadness.

" You alright, you sound sad. Did something happen?" Toby asked worried, scared that Brian OD or something.

" Yeah, Brian is just sick. Pills were too much," he said as Toby nodded as he put some wood in the stove to keep the hut warm.

" That'll due it, I remember every time I was put on a new medicine. Well kinda, I just remember being sick. I know I was sick but don't have memories of it," Toby said as he rambled slightly.

Tim nodded as he looked down, he knew the feeling as well, new pills are the worst. Toby looked at the sulking man and chuckled Toby sat next to him.

"It's going to be fine," Toby said with a small smile.

" Yeah," Tim said with a slight sigh.

" you should get some sleep," Toby said with a smile.

Tim nodded and stood up and walked to the bed, he laid next to his friend. He watched as his friend's chest slowly raised and dropped, he closed his eyes and listened to his friend breathing. He slowly fell asleep, Toby smiled as he stood up and laid in his bed. He would have shared a bed with someone, but his tics caused him to kick, punch and bite in his sleep. His vocal tics aren't as bad when he sleeps, though they are still there. He closed his eyes and passed out, he hadn't slept in a long time and he had kinda regretted it. Though his sleep was a treat for him as a thanks for help around the house.

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