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Toby yawned as he sat up, he smiled as he looked at the stove he was working on. He glanced at clockwork and smiled, he was the luckiest man alive. He got onto his feet and walked to the door, he walked out and grabbed the bucket next to the food and walked to the in touched snow and filled the bucket with the nice bright white snow. He walked back to the house and put the bucket next to the door, he walked to the pile of wood and began to chop some wood up for the fire. They needed to wash up as they smelt worse than yesterday, he smiled as he carried some wood in front of the house and piled it up. He walked inside the house and grabbed a jar of gasoline and a pallet of matches, he walked out and stood at the pile, he poured some gasoline on the wood before setting it on fire. He smiled as he watched it burn for a bit, he wasn't a big fan of fire not since the car accident. He sighed as the screeching tires and the scream of his sister came into his head, he remembered that he didn't have his seat in and he went through the windshield while the car flipped out of control. He survived because he didn't wear his seatbelt, his sister was crushed as the car hit a tree. The tree and flatten car pinned her upper body, crushing her till she passed out but the screams of her begging for help and crying for him to be alive hunted his as he lied there frozen as his bones broke including his back. He wished she had suffocated to death but she ended up waking up again, he had to watch in horror as one of the wires finally caught ablaze. Her screams were worst than the last as he could hear her pain, begging God to save her. But instead of being saved due to God's work, she was burned alive. Help did show up but she was too far gone to be fixed so they pounced her dead even when she was still alive and responding, they just drove her to the hospital, where she died on the operating table. In reality, they were right but they could have tried to give a fuck. But of course, why would they care about the lower class. He remembered his ride to the hospital as well, the EMT telling him he would never walk and to pass on to the other side with his sister who wasn't even dead at the time. He snapped out of his thoughts and grabbed the bucket and put it on the fire so the snow could melt, he sat down and watches the fire again. He huffed as he glanced at the trees, he wondered how his mother was doing. She probably killed herself, both of her kids dead in the same year. He sometimes thought about visiting her but he feared she would scream and call him a monster, she and his sister were the only friends he had growing up. Even though his mother was hardly there, and his sister was his step sibling. He saw her as a full sibling, as both were an only children. One came from a divorce, and the other father died. He looked back to see the water boiling, he smiles as he grabbed it and walked to the door, he grabbed a few handfuls and put them in the bucket to cool them down. He walked inside and put the bucket down, he walked to clockwork and woke her up. She glanced at him and smiled.

" Hey Toby," she said as she sat up.

" Hey, um, I boiled some water you can wash up. I'll grab you some spare clothes." Toby said with a smile as he stood up and walked to the bag grabbing some of the spare clothes.

He walked to her and handed it to her, she smiled as she began to undress. He quickly got out and sat in front of the fire, he wasn't comfortable with being around a naked lady. Their relationship wasn't ready for that commitment yet, plus they had only been dating for a few days possibly a week even. Plus he got embarrassed and went all fluttery to the point of butterfly's in his stomach, he had never seen a naked woman beside her so he had no idea how to act or feel. It was unknown to him, he wishes his mother taught him about this stuff and how to act and respond. Then again she probably thought he would be close by so he could ask her those questions, and not him being a mass murder that had no idea what sex was and how to perform it. He didn't even know where babies came from or how to make them, the closest thing he knew about the human sexual organs was the males and that was a minimum. Which were boner, and how blood rushed to it for it to work. He only knew that when he had an anxiety attack after he thought he was dying and his mother had to tell him how that worked. He sighed now realizing his mother fucked him over, why did she have to be a helicopter parent.

" Toby, I'm done," Clockwork said as looked through the slightly open door.

He nodded and walked to her, she smiled and gave him a small kiss before handing him the bucket. She closed the door and he went to fetch some more snow, he filled it up and walked back to the fire. He put the bucket on it and watched it melt the snow, he sighed as he began to think again. What else did he not know, he knew math and other class stuff. He was surprisingly at a university level of smart, and he was super strong and faster than any terrified man who had his dick between his legs. Those motherfucks could outrun Brian who was pretty quick, he smiled remembering Brian had a medicine book though he was ashamed to look at it or ask questions as he didn't want Brian to think less of his. He looked at the bucket to see the show was boiling, he grabbed a few handfuls of snow and put them in the bucket. He told up and grabbed the bucket, he kicked snow onto the fire buried it till it suffocated. He walked inside the house and got ready, he smiled as he saw clockwork asleep. He got undressed and grabbed the cloth and drenched the cloth in soap and began to wash himself, he would wash their clothes later but right now he needed to get this stench off him.

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