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The cops sat at their desk as the chief yelled at them, it was their fault they lost those killers and lost other officers due to their lazy ness. The keys should have been in the chief desk, and they should have been on guard. They had a big prise, and they lost it. People were angry at them for doing their job so poorly, most of the men were killed. So they had volunteers and veterans take their place, they were so under staff it wasn't funny.

" now tell me how do you treat someone in this jail," the chief yelled.

" as a threat," everyone said as they looked at the women.

The chief nodded and looked at the officers, she wanted to make sure it was in their heads.

" what was that," she said as she put her hand to her ear.

" treat everyone as a threat," she nodded and sat down.

She heard enough, she would work on them tomorrow but for now they needed their sleep.

" you're all dismissed, go home and get some sleep," she said as she watched everyone get up and leave.

She waited for everyone to leave, before leaving her self. She locked every door before exciting the building, she walked down the sidewalk. She had no need for a car as she lived a few blocks away, plus it was good exercise. She wanted to lose weight so she could fit in her wedding dress, she was getting married in a few months. She had found her Romeo, they were high school sweetheart. They met in grade eight but dated in grade eleven, they were meant for each other. She wouldn't have it any other way, she loved him with all her soul. They had big dreams, they wanted to have a small family around three kids. They were going to adopted, as she couldn't have her own. She stopped at the pole and pressed a button and waited for the lights to turn red so she could cross, she sighed as the light was still green. Cars passed her as she waited, she glanced at the light. She smiled as the light turned yellow than red, she smiled as the lights singled her to walk. She walked onto the road and towards the sidewalk, she smiled as she was almost home. Her shoes crunching as she walked onto the snow, she loved that sound. It reminded her of her childhood, how life was easy and fun. She had no worries back then, now she has to worry about death. It was stressful but she loved this job, she wanted to be a cop when she was a kid. She wanted to be like her uncle, he was a cop. He saved people and he loved to help people, she wanted to be like him. She knew how dangerous the job was as her uncle died in a shoot out, she was only fifth teen. She remember how sad she was, it broke her heart. She sighed as she looked at her house, she was almost there. A smile came on her face, she couldn't wait to be in her fiance arms. She pulled out her keys and entered her house, she walked to her room and opened the door. She dropped her keys as tears came to her eyes, there lied her fiance and a women in her bed.

" how could you," she yelled at her lover.

He paled as he looked at her.

" I'm sorry you were just distant, I couldn't take it anymore. I have needs," he said as he covered himself.

" Get out," she yelled.

" What," he said shocked.

" I said get out, get out of my house before I call the police," she yelled as she pointed to the door.

" I'm sorry please give me another chance," he said with tears in his eyes.

" Get out," she yelled, her voice cracking.

He nodded getting dressed and looked at his lover.

" what about my stuff," he said.

" get out," she yelled.

He ran out of the house, the women following after him. She sighed as she looked at her bed, how could he betray her. If he wanted anything he could have asked. She flopped onto her bed and began to cry, how could he do that to her. In her bed, in her house. She took a breath in and sat up, no need to cry over trash. She walked to her dresser and grabbed clothes, she was going to have a bath. She was stressed, and she needed to relax. She would throw his stuff out tomorrow, she didn't care if someone stole it or if it broke. He had broke her heart, she would never trust anyone ever again. She sighed as she plugged the tub and turn the water on, she smiled as she undressed and got in the tub. The warm water easing her stress body, she slid down a little as the water touched her back. It felt nice. She looked at her hand and frowned, she would sell his ring for a few bucks. The wedding dress she would give to her sister who was getting married in a few weeks, she had no use for it. Today was a bad day, though she knew she would find her own light. One day, but she would have to walk to it for a while before she got there. But that was fine, she needed to live in the dark for a while.

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