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Weeks had passed since clockwork left her hideout, she had no reason to leave. She had her shelf full of food and water, meds, and other medical stuff that would save her life in the small closet. She was lucky she to have grabbed her bag after the incident because her bag was almost empty, she wasn't keeping track of it. The only thing she really needed now was blankets, but she had her warm coat to keep her warm. Other than that she was good in this abandoned shed. She lied down on the bed her back popped, glancing at the door. She was tempted to go and charge her iPod at the fast food, but she was having a lazy day. Plus she didn't want to go anywhere anyway, still messed up from that bastard cop. She rolled on her side and fell asleep. Hours had passed and clockwork woke up suddenly, she sighed and sat up. Getting up and walking to the shelf, grabbing a small snack. She stopped as she heard crunching from outside, she quickly grabbed her knife and waited near the door. The footsteps came closer and closer till they stopped at the door. The door burst open and clockwork stabbed at the person, only to miss as they jumped back. She grabbed the door and slammed it shut, and leaned onto the door.

" you missed," the person said cockily.

" shut the fuck up you short bastard" she huffed as her heart pounded.

" I thought this place was abandoned, guess I was wrong. Though I come in peace as the cops are at my place looking for me, so I kindly ask that you let sleep in here or I'll kill you painfully and long" he said as if he was some prince in a Disney movie.

" bold of you to think I want to live," she said as she glared at the door.

Clockwork opened the door, she looked at the male. He didn't look the same as before, he was unmasked and full of scars. She let him in and closed the door, she flopped on the bed.

"you're sleeping on the floor, I don't need you touching me" she huffed as she shifted to her back.

" I wasn't going to sleep on the bed I have no use for it, also my mother raised a gentleman," he said as lied on the ground next to the bed.

She rolled her eyes and relaxed, she looked at the roof and closed her eye. She couldn't fall asleep, she felt like it was the male's fault. But in reality, she was freezing, from the cold weather. It the weather had gotten colder.

" your shivering is annoying, can you stop. I'm trying to sleep" he said as he opened one eye to look at her.

" gentlemen my ass" She mumbled as she turned to her side.

" you want my jacket, I don't need it at the moment. I also would like to talk to someone before I fall asleep since I haven't talked to someone in years"  he said calmly.

" yes that would be nice, but would you be cold," she asked.

" I can't feel anything, I'm numb to pain, earth elements, and other bullshit I can't think of at the top of my head," He said as he pulled off his jacket.

" that seems cool," she said as she looked at him.

" It sucks, I have to check myself all the time to see if I'm hurt or not." He said annoyed.

Clockwork looked at him as he gave her his Jacket.

" Thanks," she said quietly.

" no problem," he muttered as he lied back down.

" so what do you want to talk about," she asked.

" hmm, have you ever had sex," he asked as if he was still a teen.

" no," she said quickly.

" so you're a virgin," he said shocked surprised someone as old as her still had her V-card.

"No," she said as she looked at the ceiling.

"How can you not be a virgin and not have se" he paused and looked at her with pity in his eyes. " I see, was it that guy," he said as he thought about the cop in the woods.

"No," she said giving another one-word answer.

" Is the guy still alive," he asked.

" dead I killed him, along with my parents. He was the worst brother, and I'm glad he went down painfully," she chuckled out. " so who was your first kill," she asked looking at him.

"My father, he was a horrible man. He would beat me, my mother, and my sister, then my sister died in a car accident. And this tall faceless thing haunted me till I snapped and I killed that bastard. The sad thing is that I hurt my mother, I just hope the best for her and hope she moves on. It's for the best anyways" he said holding back tears, feeling like he was a terrible son. "So how was your life before you killed," He asked.

"I lived with an abusive father, mother would let him hurt me. She was afraid of getting hurt herself, she did nothing when my brother hurt me and did nothing to stop the bullies. School was killing me and my boyfriend dumped me when I really needed him the most. So when I snapped my mother locked me up in a mental hospital and left me to rot. I was injected with some kind of fluid and I got stronger and my eyes changed color. I got out and killed my family," She said as she began to have an anxiety attack.

She never told anyone about her life, it was too much for her.

"Hey calm down everything is going to be ok," he said as he crawled next to her.

" so what was your life before this," she asked shakily.

" I was homeschooled after kindergarten, cause the kids and teachers would make fun of me, they called me ticci Toby. They would hit me because I couldn't feel pain. My father was a drunk, he drank all the time and he would beat all three of us. He wasn't there for my sister's death, he was never there and I'm glad that fucker is gone," he said as he rocked her in his arms, the same way he did to his older sister when she was having a breakdown.

" so what is your name," she asked quietly.

" I'm Toby, Toby Roger. What is your name?" he asked politely?

" I go by clockwork, though my real name is Natalie," she said.

" so what should we talk about now," he asked.

" I have no idea, but I need some sleep before I start punching people", she said as she dozed off in his arms.

Toby lied there still holding her, he would have moved but she looked too harmless to wake up. He knew better though, he knew she would have punched him if he woke her up. So he watched her till he fell asleep himself.

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