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" breaking news police have lost the two famous killers, Toby eran rodgers and natlie ollette. They say they lost them a week ago and were looking for them, stopping when they lost their trace. Please be careful out there. To you Tom," the woman said as the man began to talk about the whether.

Brian sighed as he looked at the radio, those two have been on the news for a few days now. He was worried as Toby would get the chair, if he got caught. Yet he knew he wouldn't get caught but the thought made him shiver, It was a reminder of the normal life he once had. You stepped out of line and straight to jail, it was sad and people use their power for evil. There was never anny good in this world, only bad. You could blind yourself by looking at the good, but soon the evil will seek in and taint the good. He sighed as he kept listening yo the radio.

" I hope youn got your boots cause another storm is coming tonight, it going to be as bad as last night. All I say is find sone shelter and wait it out," the male said.

" we are going threw our amber alert, Sarah megan age ten gone missing a few days ago. Her hair is brown and shoulder length, blue eyes and pale skin. Brian Thomas missing for 10 years, dirty blond hair hazle eyes and a heart warming smile. Age 42," he sighed as he turned off the radio.

God he was old, 42. He never thought his life would be like this, he imagine him having a wife and a few kids. Working at a hospital, while his kids go to school. Yet it was the opposite, he was in literal hell. He couldn't change his life, he would just be stuck in the same route again. He sighed as he looked at the stove, he smiled remembering Toby and him working on it during the summer. He saw Toby as a little brother, he always wanted a little brother. He was the second youngest in his family, the youngest was his sister. He was in a bug family, six kids including him. He looked down, he wondered how his family was doing. They were probably in pain, hurt that their family was gone without a trace. He wished could wright to them, telling them what happened. But it would bring it to them, he loved his family. He would protect them no matter what, even if it hurts him. He already lost enough people, he could bare to lose more. He could stand this curse if more people died, died due to his stupidity and selfishness. He sighed as he walked to his bed and lied down, God he was tired. He needed to worry less, his heart won't be able to take it. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, he hadn't fallen asleep this fast before. How long has he been up.

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