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Toby sighed as he held clockwork, he was worried about her. She was still cold, though she wasn't shaking anymore. He was worried about her, he didn't know what to do. He did remember Brian told him that he needed to keep the body warm, and he was trying his best but he didn't have blankets. He looked around and sighed, cold air was still getting in. He sat up and pulled off his sweater and put it on her, he snuggled close to her. There was still no reaction from her, he sighed as he closed his eyes and went to sleep. Hours passed and the sun began to rise, Toby opened his eyes and looked around. He sighed as he saw clockwork still asleep, he sighed as he brought her close to him. He was worried about her, she was his only friend. She treated him like a human being, she was special to him. She shifted slightly in her sleep, he smiled she was alive at least.

" Toby what are you doing," she asked sleepily.

" you were cold so I kept you warm," he said with a smile.

" How could you tell you can't feel anything," she said.

" you were shaking when I found you outside, don't you remember anything from last night?" he asked worriedly.

She shook her head, she didn't remember much. All she remembered was fixing the door, how did she end up outside. She wanted to ask but it probably was a boring story, plus she just wanted to eat.

" I'm hungry," she said as she tried to stand up.

" you lie down I'll get the food, you need to rest," he said as he got up and walked to one of the bags.

He opened the bag and made her a sandwich, he smiled and walked to her handing the sandwich to her. She smiled as she began to eat, Toby smiled as he went back to the bag to put everything back. He didn't want her to do anything today, she needed to get her energy back. He might just bring her to Brian if she didn't get better, he had no idea how to treat this. He was in the dark, he didn't want to be in the dark. He would also ask for Brians's outdoors book, it had everything about surviving the outdoors. Plus plant life and how to make medicine, and other survival stuff.

" Thanks, Toby," she said as she looked at the floor.

She was happy Toby was taking care of her, but it made her feel useless. Like she was in the way, just like when she lived at her parent's house. Fights would start because she was sick or hurt, her mother would take care of her. Though her father called her lazy and ungrateful, he was a cruel man. All he did was take your brother's side and drink, he knew what her brother did to her. He didn't care, he just said boy would be boys. Her mother didn't have a clue, her father would tell her. She wasn't even allowed to tell anyone, she didn't listen and told her so-called friend. They told everyone that she slept with her brother, she was called a whore and bullied. She felt her eyes fill up with tears, memories flashed back to her. The bullying, the beating and what her brother did to her, why did they have to come back.

" Clockwork are you ok," Toby asked worriedly.

She snapped back to reality, she looked at Toby as she held back tears. She shook her head, she wasn't ok. She was tired of pretending she was, he sighed and pulled her into a hug.

" is it bothering you," he asked.

She nodded as she brought her knees to her chest, she wanted to cry. She hadn't cried in a long time.

" Let it out, you can't keep it in. It's not healthy to keep it in, just let it all out," he said as he rubbed her back.

She let out a sob as she hugged Toby, Toby listened as she cried. He could tell she was hurt, he wondered how long she kept it in. How long was she alone and wondering why it happened, he knew it would help to cry. It always does.

" It's alright Clocky, they're dead. They can't hurt you anymore," he said as she looked at him.

Her eye was was puffy and red as her face was red and wet from her tears and sweat, he hates seeing her like this.

" Ok," she said as she wiped the snot off her face.

He smiled as he hugged her.

" it's going to be ok, you'll be safe cause I won't let anyone touch you," he said with a smile.

She nodded as she looked away, he was right no one could touch her. She was safe with him, he was her savoury.

ticciwork (Being Rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora