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Toby stood in front of the tree, ax in hand. His breaths were sharp as he was Chopping trees all day, none stop without a single break. He did it all alone as a way to avoid talking to clockwork, he would stop asking questions. She was asking questions about his nightmares, he didn't want to talk about it. It wasn't her business, and he was going to keep it that way. He felt like she needed to mind her own business, this wasn't a matter she needed to know. Why would he share anything like that with her, she was nothing to him. He just took pity on her, he thought lying to himself. Though he knew he was full of shit, he felt light when he was with her. He cared for the girl, she was his first friend. The first person that didn't judge him, and the first girl he talked to. Well, the first girl he talked to he didn't kill, as he loved to taunt his prey. It makes them feel like they could make it put alive only to realize there was never a chance. He sighed harshly as he swung his ax harshly in the tree, he knew he liked her. She was kind to him, she treated him like a human and not some kind of monster. She had no reason to either, she did it because she want to. Because she saw him as an equal, they were the same in her eyes. He lowered the ax tossing it to the ground as he walked away, he was going to talk to her. She deserved to know, that they were going to live together in the same house. They were in this together, they didn't need to hold any secrets. Opening the door making a loud creak, clockwork turned around and saw Toby. He was sweaty and out of breath, he looked like he would faint any moment though then again he was pale and the snow didn't help make him look pale either. She couldn't tell any difference with him which worried her.

"How are you Toby?" she asked as she looked away, waiting for him to tell her he was fine.

"I'm fine," he said, she knew he was going to say it. "I just wanted to talk about my dream," he said as he held his arm.

She turned to him shocked, something seemed to be bothering him though she didn't push him. She didn't want him to push her away again, this was progress.

"Alright let's sit down," she said as she slid down the wall, she was ready to listen to him.

Toby nodded as he sat down, he sighed as he looked at his hands. He didn't know where to start so he just let himself speak without a thought, it would go either way though he didn't care he needed to get it off his chest.

"I had a dream of my sister, though she wasn't the same as I remember her. She was decomposing and mangled yet she was calling my name." Toby stopped as he took in a few breaths as any means to stop himself from having an episode. "She was telling me to let her in as she was cold, then she started to blame me for her death. She then turned into a monster, the same monster that took her away from me," he said as he looked away, he didn't know if he could continue.

"It will be ok, I'm here for you," she said with a smile. "If you don't want to continue you don't have to," she said as he nodded as wiped his tears away, he wasn't ready to talk about his dreams not yet.

Toby looked at her and smiled, he didn't feel better but he felt heard. Something he hadn't felt in a while, something he lost when his sister died.

"Thanks, so glad I met you," he said. "I feel better talking about it," clockwork smiled as she pulled him into a hug, he tensed up before relaxing.

"I'm here for you even if I'm busy," she said as she let go.

He nodded and stood up, he felt weird again. Though it was a nice weird though a weird he never felt before.

"I should get back to work," he said as he got up and left.

Clockwork smiled, she was happy she could help. Though something felt off about it, though she pushed it down it probably wasn't important.

ticciwork (Being Rewritten)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz