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Days had passed and Toby and clockwork had finished the floor and the door, they had the roof to fix through they plan to do that tomorrow. Toby sighed as he looked at the door, it was fixed and he was happy. That should have been the first thing to be fixed, though he didn't care. He just wanted this to be fixed, he looked at clockwork who was lying down.

"we're running out of food," she said as she glances at him.

He sighed as he looked at the bag, she was right they were running out of food and fast. They had enough for a few days, plus they needed fresh water and medicine.

" will go tonight and get food, I need to get a door handle so we can lock it when we're out," Toby said as he looked at the door.

He would feel safer if they had an actual lock than a wood slab of wood, they didn't need the repeat from last time. She nodded as she sat up, she needed to think of places that would hold this stiff and how close they were.

" How close is the closest store," she said as she looked at Toby.

" it's close, maybe a ten-minute walk away from the woods, I think they have batteries and other electronic," she looked at him and smiled.

" yea that would be a good place to get our stuff," she said.

He nodded and lied down he was tired, she lied down as well and closed her eyes. They needed their sleep to pull the heist, no point in going sleepy.

The night was cold and Toby and clockwork were in their small home, they were ready to face the harsh cold wind.

" you ready," he said.

She nodded as she stood next to him, he smiled as he opened the door. A rush of cold in came in, clockwork coughed as the cold got to her lungs. Toby walked out as clockworks quickly followed him, they walked into the trees as they followed their old tracks. The snow up to their knees, it had been snowing hard lately.

" do you need anything else," Toby asked as he stepped over a fallen tree.

" not really I got all I need, through I might be wrong. I'll just grab extra stuff just to be safe," she said as she dragged her feet in the snow.

He nodded and did a sharp turn, they were far enough from their home to cone out of the woods safely. They stayed in silence for a while as the sound of their feet crunching the snow under them, Toby stopped as he saw the road. Clockwork bumbed into him, she quickly apologized before backing up. The road was busy, people were driving on the road there was no time for them to sneak across the road. He sighed and turned around and walked back to the trail, they would have to find a way to get to the store. Toby sighed as he decided to take the long way, it would take an hour but it would be worth it. They needed food, they couldn't wait till spring they would starve by then.

" We're taking a detour, so we'll be out here longer," he said as she nodded.

An hour had passed and they finally got out of the woods, the riad was empty but they could see the shop. The lights were off and no one was there, he smiled as he walked to it. Clockwork followed him, they quickly got to the store and climbed to the roof. They went into the vent and into the store, they started to grab food off the shelf and stuff them into their bag. Toby smiled as he saw batteries and electronics, it would make things more easy around the house. He stuffed a bunch in his bag before grabbing more stuff, clockwork grabbed more feminine products. They quickly zipped their bags up and walked to the front, Toby unlocked the door and the both of them ran out of the store and into the woods. It was snowing harsh, they could barley see through they ran as they got in the woods they couldn't find their trail. Through Toby knew the way, clockwork followed him she stayed close. The tracks behind them were quickly being covered up by the snow. Toby sighed as he started to hurry in the snow, she sighed and did the same. They needed to get out of the storm, and away from the show as cops would be there soon. They couldn't be found by them, they would be taken away and locked up. Toby shived at that, he knew he would get the chair as punishment for murder and arson. He sighed as he followed what little of a trail was left, it was barley see able.

' snap' Toby started to panic they needed to get out of here fast.

" wee need to leave now, you need to run," he said before taking off.

Clockwork sighed as she ran after him, they hurried down the path. As Toby got further away the more clockwork started to panic, she tried to run faster but only tripped on the fallen tree. She quickly got up and started to run again, now she followed Toby's track. Toby got to the small house as he turned around, clockwork wasn't with him. He sighed as be opened the door and threw the bag in the house before closing it and running back to the trail, he needed to find her she wouldn't make it out her alone. He ran down the trail before falling onto the ground, he looked up to see clockwork on him. She was shaking, he helped her up before grab her hand and running down the trail while she stumbled behind him. They got to the house and Toby pushed the door open and the two of them walked in, he slammed the door closed and put the slab of wood in the door. Clockwork fainted, Toby turned around and rushed to her. He sighed as he took off one of his sweater and put it on her, he sighed as he snuggled close to her. He hoped she was fine.

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