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They stood at the door, they were ready to get some wood. Brian sat at the kitchen table reading as he had done enough already, Toby opened the door while clockwork followed close behind him. She closed the door, before following Toby into the trees. She shivered as the cold got under her jacket, though she kept moving ignoring the cold. She had to prove that she deserved to be here, that she was useful. Toby looked back to see clockwork looking at the ground lost in thought, he smiled before stopping.

"Hey are you ok," he asked slightly worried.

She looked up at him, she nodded her head slightly.

"Yea I'm fine, just thinking," she said with a small smile.

He nodded and turned forwards, before heading deeper into the trees. They had a place to cut the trees, just so no one could find them. Though it was a long walk away, he didn't mind as it kept him fit. Though Tim always complains, god Toby always found it annoying. He and brian did most of the work while Tim did basically nothing, he always had an excuse like he was older or sore. Yet if he or Brian tried that they would get in shit, he was a narcissist. The only reason he was still there was Brian pitted the man, if it was up to Toby he would have kicked him out a long time ago. He stopped and walked to the tree he found fitting, it was big and tall. It would last maybe two days if he could cut it up today, though he doubts he could do that even if clockwork was with him.

"Ready?" Toby asked as clockwork looked at him.

"Yes," she said as she walked next to him, he smiled and put on his gloves.

"I also have your ax, I got it while you got ready," he said as he handed her an ax.

She took the weapon and looked at Toby, waiting for his queue. He pointed to the tree, clockwork nodded, and walked to the tree while Toby walked to the other side of it. They were going to get this tree down, they just had to be patient.

'Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump,' the axes echoed through the forest as Toby and clockwork chopped at the tree.

Bark and wood chips flew off, landing on the floor or sticking to their clothes.

'Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump,' they chopped and chopped till the tree was barely holding on, as it came close to following.

"Move," Toby screamed as the tree finally gave way.

Clockwork jumped back getting out of the way of the now falling tree, it had fallen to its enemy. Toby smiled as he saw the fallen tree now in the snow, it brought him joy.

"Let's cut this bitch up," he said with a big smile as he tried to hide his excited tics, though his neck snapped to his left with a bug crack.

Clockwork nodded as she stood to the base of the tree, while toby stood two feet away from her. He swung his ax down onto the wood, clockwork followed his action and swung as hard as she could.

'Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, crack, thump' they hit at the tree till a part separated from the tree.

Hours had passed since they started since the tree fell since they cut it up till the tree became 37 small logs, they had branches become sticks. Toby looked at the sky, it was almost night. He smiled as he pulled out a walky-talky, he pressed the button and began to speak.

"Brian we're done bring the sled," Toby spoke as he looked at clockwork who was panting. "Are you good," he asked her, she only nodded.

"Alright," he said as he looked at the logs, he was surprised he got this done in one day.

Then again Tim was usually with him, and he did jack-shit. He sat down and looked at clockwork, who smiled and sat next to him.

"How was the workout," he asked as he looked at the wood.

"It was fun hadn't worked out like since I was with my family," she said with a smile, with small pants.

"Oh what did you do as a workout," he asked now interested.

"I was a lumber-jack, it brought in money since my family never bought things for me so I decided to do it myself. It was an under-the-table job though, so I got paid less than the others but that was fine" she said with a small smile.

He smiled and looked at her, he let out a small chuckle.

"Guess where two peas in the same pod," he said as he leaned on clockwork.

She smiled as she looked at the logs, it was the biggest tree she cut with an ax. She'd usually use a chainsaw, though this was a lot more fun.

"You two better not be asleep," Brian said as he walked closer.

"We're not, just resting," clockwork said as she got up, which cause Toby to get a face full of snow.

"Alright then help me get the logs and branches in the sled, we might just make two trips as it is getting dark fast," Brian said with a smile, before long at Toby.

Clockwork nodded as Toby brushed the snow off his face, they hurried with the wood and dragged it to the hut. They made five trips, enough wood to last 4 days. If the wood was a different breed it would last longer but this kind seemed to burn fast as if gasoline was added, though it was better than nothing. The pine trees they didn't touch as the pine needles were made into mosquito repellent, they boiled the needles or even bake it at times and smear the repellent on them. Plus using the needles on the fire would repel any bug as the smell was horrid to bug.

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