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She sat in her office, a store was robbed a few nights ago yet they couldn't find them. She knew it was the same teens they were looking for, how could they have slipped through their fingers. She stood up and walked out of the office, officers sat at their desks as they did work.

" do we have any idea where these teens are," she asked as she looked around.

" We are guarantee they are in the woods," one officer said as they looked at her.

" I figured, I list can't send in people. They will get slaughtered in there, they are going in blind," she said as she sat down.

She had enough on her plate, she didn't want blood on her hands. She would have to wait till the snow melts so the dogs could find their sent, but right now was a death trap. They didn't know those woods, but the teens did. She looked at the clock, it was time to clock out. The night shift had this round, she got up and walked out of the building. She started to walk home, she had lots on her mind. How could they not find them, something seemed off with those woods yet she couldn't figure it out. What was stopping them from finding people on there, she sighed as she pressed the bitten and waited for the lights to turn red. She would have to do research tomorrow, she froze. No, she had to fix her relationship first, her job was only for a few years her lover was for life. She stilled love him, she wanted to fix it. She walked across the road, she looked to her right as she heard a screeching sound. She screed as a car came towards her ignoring the red light, her body thrown to the ground as the car hit her. The vehicle drove off in a flash, she lied there her eyes looking around for help. She couldn't move, it hurt too much.

" Someone call 811, there's been an accident," someone yelled.

A woman ran to her and started to talk to her.

" Ma'am are you alright, do you feel hurt," she asked as she kept looking at her legs.

" by body hurts, is it bad," she asked as she looked at the woman with tears in her eyes.

" your legs are broken," she said with sorrow in her voice.

" no, no, no, It can't be broken, I'll lose my job. That job is my life," she cried as she looked away.

Was this her life now, a shadow of what she was. Was she going to lose her dream, she closed her eyes. Why was this happening to her?

" man I can't believe you hit her, we could have gotten caught," a male said as he looked at his partner.

" that's what she gets for messing with us, she should have known better," the other male said as he kept his eyes on the road.

He got to the side of the road and turning off the van, taking the keys out.

" We need to ditch this now," he said as he got out.

The other male sighed as he climbed out, they walked on the side of the road. The cold nipping at their skin, in honesty he like they was she flew he wouldn't admit it to his partner as he would think he did the right thing. But she was only doing their job, though they were doing theirs as well. He just hoped she didn't die, he would feel like shit knowing his old friend died because of him. She had dreams like him, she wanted to be a police officer and a mother. He sighed as he looked down.

" it'll be alright, buddy she deserves it," he said as he grabbed his friend's shoulder.

" Yeah," he said before looking up.

They quickly ran into the woods, not stopping till they got to their place. They walked in and closed the door, the hot air warming them up to the point of sweating. They took off their jacket and boots and sat down.

" I feel sick to my stomach," he said as he put his head down.

" It'll be alright Brian," he said as he looked at the stove.

" I know Tim, but I knew her," he said as he looked up.

Tim looked at him worried.

" she wasn't your sister was she," Tim asked scared.

" no she was an old friend, we went our separate ways after high school,". Brian said as he looked at the covered window.

Tim nodded as he held his friend's hand, brian looked at him and smiles.

" no homo," he said with a smile.

"you're an ass," Brian said with a chuckle.

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