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The night became early morning, one in the morning and the moon was shining bright. The weather had tamed itself, it was warm out for December. The snow was falling in a peaceful order, a breeze would carry it once in a while though it was nothing bad. Clockwork stared at the snowed ground she didn't know why she felt the need to look at it, she felt off-putting for some reason. The two males talked about their plan, clockwork on the other hand was in her head. She wondered why Toby even bothers saving someone he hardly knew or doesn't care about, or why Brian even helped her and feed her. She sighed confused about why they acted so nice and caring to someone like her, with no payment attached or in their debt. The only person that acted like a normal person was Tim and he was an ass, she knew he didn't care about anything but Brian and that was a big stretch at times. He only helped himself, as if that was all he knew, afraid that his kindness would turn on him.

"You alright clockwork," Toby asked worried as she hadn't responded to anything the two males asked.

She jumped slightly and looked at Toby, before nodding with a small smile and looking back at the snowed ground.

"Just thinking, no need to worry about me," she said with a fake smile, Toby raised a brown as Brian looked at her.

"Don't say stuff like that, your part of the team. we must stick together," Toby said with a smile, as he pulled her close.

Clockwork smiled and looked at him, she shook her head as she forgot that he didn't have his mask on. She couldn't remember the last time she saw the mask, yet it felt like this was the first time she saw his face. Her memory was foggy or even messed up to the point of a painful headache.

"Thanks," she said as she looked back to the snowed ground, she winced as her head began to hurt.

Brian looked at the group, as he held his hand to his head. He winced due to the headache that seemed to be following him.

"Where are we going, and are we close. The batteries aren't going to last for long," Brian said as he pointed at the flashlight, slightly nervous.

"An hour at most," Toby said he looked at the older male who was glancing around.

Toby went to talk to clockwork only to slip on ice landing on his ass, with a thump that made Brian and clockwork to jump.

"I'm ok," he said as he lied on the ground as he tried to catch his breath again, due to the fall knocking the air right out of his lungs. Once he git the air back where it belonged he tried to get up, only to slip again and again on the ice that seemed to blend in one that road. He sighed and lied there giving up on trying to stand up, it was pointless.

"Do you need a hand?" clockwork asked trying not to laugh, her body shaking due to that.

His head shot up and looked at her with a smile, she flinched due to his quick reaction.

"Actually yes, that would be handy," he said as he reached his hand out to her.

She took his hand and pulled him up, she took a step back to gain momentum to help him up. Though it only caused her to slip on the ice as well. Brian couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out laughing, Toby chuckled as he pulled her up. He stepped back to give her space only to slip on the same patch of ice before, he took clockwork down with him as he still had her hand. Brian slipped as he took a step back, trying to avoid slipping himself. All three of them laugh as they lied on the ground due to the predicament they were in. Brian slowly crawled to the ditch where there was no ice, clockwork followed but toby sat there dumbfounded. He tried to stand up again only to fall again, he sighed and crawled to the ditch finally getting the hint. He stood up next to Brain and clockwork who was leaning on the fence, catching their breath as the laughing fit took it out of them. The snow was up to their knees, snow-filled their shoes and clockwork's boots.

"Alright I think that's enough funny business for tonight," Brian said with a smile, as he chuckled at his little joke he made.

They nodded and walked to the road, while toby bolted to it only to slip and slid across the road when he met the ice. Clockwork and Brian emptied their shoes, as they looked at Toby. Brian sighed, it was going to be an impossible mission tonight. Clockwork shook her head as Toby walked to her with a smile.

" Did you see that? Straight across the road," he chuckled before slipping again.

Clockwork chuckled as Brian shook his head, he began to wonder if this was a bad idea. If they would get caught, or killed because his partners were idiots and immature. Clockwork looked at Brian and smiled.

" Don't worry, will make it," she said reading his face.

He sighed and nodded, he felt like he was stuck with two versions of his old friend Jay. He looked away and began to walk, clockwork smiled as she helped Toby up before walking after Brian. Toby quickly walked to them, he tried his best not to slip. Catching himself before falling a few times.

"Wait up guys, you're going too fast," Toby yelled as they turned to him.

Brian annoyed and clockwork shaking her head, Toby smiled as he finally caught up to them. He smiled as he let out an chuckle, he gave them a thumbs-up as he tried to catch his breath. They began to walk closer to the city, the moon starting to get covered by clouds making the night pitch black.

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