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A few days had passed and clockwork and Toby were getting to leave, the hut was getting too crowded. This was causing a lot of fights between Tim and Brian, and there weren't enough beds to hold the four of them due to them burning clockworks bed to due a flea infestation. Clockwork sighed as she stood in the cold, her jacket was held down by the backpack she wore that currently had stuff they had ransacked from the store. It was heavy and digging into her shoulders but she didn't care, this was their only chance of survival. The door opened and Toby walked out, a smile on his face as he closed the door as the voice of Tim and Brian became muffled again. He looked at her as he put on his backpack, she smiled back as she pushed herself off the wall with her foot.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked as he looked ahead, the show almost blinding him.

He was lucky Tim got his mask back for him, he honestly missed wearing it.

"Yeah," she said as she looked at him, she was ready to leave the drama for once.

He started to walk to the woods, clockwork following right behind him. The snow crunched under their feet, as they walked closer to the trees that had less light than in the open. Toby smiled as he looked at the sky, he slowly glanced at clockwork who was looking around.

"I hope you like walking," he said with a chuckle, as his neck popped due to a tick.

"Walking is all I do," she said as she walked beside him as he was kicking snow at her. "Where do you think will go," she said as she looked at him, as birds flew over them as they walked passed their nest.

"Don't know," he said as looked at the trees and smiled, honestly he didn't think to muck about it when they got the warning Of getting kicked out. "Why don't we make our own place," he said with a smile, hoping he could build a little fort like he used to when he was a kid

"I think we should find a place to stay while we do that, so we don't freeze to death," she said as she stepped over a rotting log, the snow barely staying in the wood as it slowly caved in.

He shrugged as he looked at her, he wasn't that much on planning he would rather relax and then do the job when he had the info passed to him.

"That is a good idea," he said as he looked back only to trip over a large log, his foot lodging in the wood causing it to cave in completely.

Clockwork chuckled as she stood right next to him, Toby lifted his head out of the snow and looked at her. He held a dramatic look of shock and betrayal, just so he could see clockwork's reaction.

"Rude," he said with a smile as he rolled onto his back, he liked being dramatic at times it made people laugh.

Toby slowly got up as clockwork started to walk away, Toby ran after her leaving the broken log behind.

"Hey wait up," he yelled as he ran through the deep snow, not letting it slow him down.

Clockwork smiled as she stopped and waited for him, she found him funny when he was being extra for dramatic effect. He was like a kid at times, sweet and innocent though she knew better. She knew what he was fully capable of, she felt it first hand and she didn't want to experience it again.

"Are you done, we have to find shelter before it gets dark," Clockwork said as she put a hand on his shoulder, dusting the snow off.

He nodded as he started to take the lead, clockwork followed close behind. She was tired of making the path, she rather walk in his path.

"I do know a place we could stay but it's riddled in holes and basically a death trap in the wrong condition," Toby said with a smile as if that was the most normal sentence ever said.

"Lead the way," she said not caring about the condition of the building they would stay in.

"I have been," he said as he looked at her, with a pouty look.

"Oh," she said as he smiled and looked ahead.

ticciwork (Being Rewritten)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora