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Toby stared at the door, he had survived the night. He glanced over to see clockwork breathing, he smiled as she too survived. He was happy she was alive, he considered her a friend. It made him feel normal to have her around like they were normal people and not freaks. He moved his arm and shook her, she awoke and looked at him sleepily.

" did we make it," she asked as she whipped drool from her face.

He nodded with a smile, she sat up and looked around. god, the house was full of snow, she couldn't see the floor. She got up and walked to the broom, she began to sweep the snow to the wall away from the door. Toby got up and walked to the door he wanted to see if he could get outside, he smiled as the snow was about ankle high. Though he couldn't see the wood, though he knew where they were. He looked behind him to see that the floor was swept of all snow, it was in a pile in the corner.

" hey, are you ready to get the wood," Toby asked as he looked at her.

She nodded and walked to him, he quickly walked to the trees. She followed right behind him, stopping at the trees. They smiled as they saw some of the wood poking out of the snow, Toby grabbed the top piece of wood and pulled. Clockwork did the same and dragged the wood to the house, they went back to the pile and dragged more to the house. Stopping when the pile of wood was at the house, they quickly dragged the wood into the house next to the good wall. They walked to the bucket and put it into the middle of the room, they grabbed their hammers and began to fix the wall. They didn't have to worry about the wood being the wrong size as they measured it the day before. They picked the wood and brought it to the wall, they began to nail the wood to the wall. Starting in the middle and working to the ends, one by one they nailed it to the broken wall. Fixing the wall the best they could, and as fast as they could as they knew a storm was coming again. If they got another wall done they would be warmer and less way for the wind to come in the house. Even though the house was just a giant square they still had a lot of work to as they had the floor and the roof to work on. Plus the door as they needed to repair the door, as there were holes in the door. Clockwork picked up the piece of wood and hammered it down, it was her third piece she had brought to the wall. She smiled as she hammered the top piece to the wall before working on the middle than the bottom, they had to keep the wall sturdy. It had to hold in place so they could survive, so they could survive the cold harsh winter and anything outside. It did or die, and to be honest, they were afraid to see, they had a feeling they would die if they did. Toby stopped as he took a breather, he was tired and out of breath though this had to get done. Though looking at the wall they were almost done, and still had enough wood to fix half of the wall. Though it would be hard as it was going to storm in a few hours, though they might have to finish fixing the walls. That was a big might as the storm could come at any moment as it didn't care about time or people's feelings, as it was just clouds and winds. Though it shouldn't be taken lightly as it was also dangerous and could kill with just a breeze or a small chill. Toby smiled as he went back to work, he now had to catch up to clockwork as she was ahead of him.

" It's kinda chilly out," clockwork said as a way to break the silence.

Toby nodded as he glanced at her.

" I can't tell, can't feel anything," he said as he hammered the wood into place.

In all honesty, it started to look like a home, there were fewer holes and it looked new. Only if you stood at the right angle it looked new though they still had work to do to make it perfect, to make it their home. Their happy place to be, to make good memories. Clockwork smiled as she finished the side of the wall, she looked at Toby who was two wood pieces away from finishing his side.

" Do you want me to work on the next wall or do you want to take a break and wait for tomorrow," she said

" Take a small break then start working on the wall," he said as he glanced at her.

She nodded and sat down, letting out a sigh as she now felt the pain in her legs. How long was she standing for, how long were they working on the wall. She shook her head no point in thinking she needed a rest, she thought as she laid her head on the wall. Toby smiled as he finished his side of the wall, he looked to his left and saw her asleep. He smiled as he walked to her and sat down, she looked so calm when she slept. He could watch her all day, though he wouldn't as it would weird plus she would kill him if he did. She may have been her friend but she wasn't afraid to hurt him, well-tried to hurt him. He sighed as he leaned back and closed his eyes, a little nap wouldn't hurt them right. He thought as he closed his eyes and slowly drifted asleep, were they safe to nap, or did he doomed them by taking a nap.

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