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Tim opened his eyes and smiled, another good night. He began to stretch, he looked over to Brian. He was pale, with a deathly look. Tim sighed as he sat up and slightly shook his friend, Brian opened his eyes glancing at Tim.

" Oh hey Tim," Brian said softly.

Tim sighed and got off the bed, he helped pull his friend up. Helping him walk to the table, Brian winced once in a while. Tim quickly set Brian down at the table and looked at his friend, he looked pale like before. The pills must have fucked him up, Tim sighed and sat down next to his friend.

" You alright," Tim asked Brian who shrugged.

" Could be better, but I have a feeling you want to ask me something. I know I must have said something last night, so ask away," Brian said waiting for the questions.

" I'll ask you when your headache is gone," Tim said as he got up and walked to the cooler.

He was going to make breakfast for everyone, Brian smiled as he set his head down. Tim walked to the stove and prepared the meal, he set the food on the pan before tossing wood on the stove. He stuffed paper before lighting it on fire, he waited as the food began to cook. He glanced over to his friend who seemed out of it, he didn't blame him. He grabbed a plate and placed the food on it before setting it in front of Brian, Brian looked up and smiled slightly.

" Thanks, Tim this means a lot," he said softly.

Tim nodded as he sat down in front of his friend, he looked down, worried about his friend. He didn't know his friend well, honestly, his friend never talked about his past even in college. All he knew was his mother was a kind and caring person and his father was always working to get food on the table. He had six siblings and one older sister and one younger sister, two younger brothers, and one older brother. He also had a twin brother, they were identical and could only be told apart due to their speech. Brian is more modern and his brother is more western as if they were from different times, it was always fun to guess who was who. Though he wondered if any of his siblings had gone through the same thing as him, he doubt it but he truly never knew.

" You alright," Brian asked as Tim loomed up at him.

" Yeah just thinking," Tim said with a slight smile.

Brian sighed he knew what he was thinking, it was a common thought when they found out about his old habits.

" No, my siblings didn't do any of it. It was just me, my brother tried to do it but stopped afraid as he saw what it did to me," Brian said his eyes holding bags, he was tired.

Tim nodded, he felt bad about thinking about it. He didn't have a right to think it, they weren't his friends or siblings.

" I went into that habit to stop the hunger pain, we didn't have food. We had moved from Florida to live with my mom, dad had lost his job. We had moved with him because his job was doing great, though his boss sold the company and my dad was fired. We moved back to Alabama and to our mom's new home, she had been saving up but it went fast as we had a huge family. My older siblings went to work to help, and my twin and I helped with the younger kids. It got harder when mom lost her job, we had enough food for four people. So dad and the three youngest got to eat, and my twin and I would steal food or dumpster dive to feed the rest of us. It was usually stale it had some rot to it but it was better than nothing, though it all hit the fan when. Mom went from having eight kids to seven, the oldest my oldest sister stop taking her diabetes medicine. She passed away when mom was at an interview, she had her cremated and everything went downhill. I went to drugs my older sibling became a workaholic, and my twin went and worked on a farm to bring in fresh produce for the family. The youngest was going to school in all our hand-me-downs, I went straight when I watched a friend OD in his own mother's arms. I watched her scream and cry for help and to not take her only child, I realized I would die in my own mother's arms if I kept this up and locked myself in my sister's old room and came out to eat and use the bathroom. I came out clean after a year in there and decide to go to college, you know the rest" Brian said as Tim looked at him with sorrow, eight kids who went through hell only seven who made it out alive.

" I'm sorry, your family should have never gone through that," Tim said as Brian nodded.

" it's not that bad, when I graduated I helped an ex out of that life and found out something I never knew," Brian said with a smile.

" what was that," Tim asked.

" That I had a son, she had given him away to a loving family they still have him and he lives a life we had never had. He's ten right now, I was him once when I asked to see my son for the first time. They were kind enough for it, he was three at the time. Though I left a note for him when he was older, I hope he will forgive me," Brian said whispering the last part.

" I bet he'll be proud of what you accomplished, it'll take time for him to understand if he doesn't," Tim said as Brian nodded.

" Yeah, I guess so," Brian chuckled as he finished his food.

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