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The sun was beginning to set leaving a bright stain on the sky, it was a sight to see. Clockwork and toby were still walking in the snow filled forest, it felt as if they were lost though clockwork kept quiet as she never been this deep before. There was little snow on the ground as the trees blocked the snow, though one wrong move and pounds of snow would fall to the ground. Clockwork smiled as she looked up at the pine trees, she loved how it looked so magical yet so normal. Sometimes she would see this in her dreams when she was young, she didn't remember her dreams much back then though she was always happy when she bad them. Though she no longer had those dreams, just sleepless nights or nightmares that made her jolt awake wishing she would die.

"Clockwork I think I found the place," Toby said with a smile as he walked passed a few trees that fused with each other.

She looked at him and smiled glade she could get off her feet, she looked at his hand to see where he was pointing. She walked to his side and smiled, she was glade to get away from the open.

"What a good find," she said as she walked to the building as Toby smirked.

Toby followed behind her as he glanced around, something felt off but he couldn't place it. She stopped at the door, it looked ready to break as it was riddled with holes. She sighed as she pushed on it, hoping it didn't crumble from her touch. The door slowly creaked open leaving a dark room awaiting for someone to enter, Toby glanced in only to see it was empty. Clockwork peaked in and smiled, it was the same size as the hut they were previously staying at.

"I like it," clockwork said as she walked in, the floor creaking under her.

Toby nodded as he followed her in, he looked at the wall seeing if they were steady. Clockwork watched him as she sat on the ground, Toby turned to her and smiled. The walls were safe, it was steady enough for the winter shelter though if someone were to body slam it, it would break.

"It's safe," he said as he walked to her and sat down next to her.

She nodded and opened her backpack, reaching in and pulling out a water bottle. She started to chug the water down, she was thirsty. It soothed her dry throat, she wished she drank when they were walking instead of making it last. Toby chuckled as he held his bottle, he started to drink his water as he looked at the door.

"Do you think will be safe here," she said as she looked at the door, she worried the door would break.

He nodded as he stood up and walked to the door, he closed the door and glanced at the door looking for a lock or bolt to stop the wind from opening the door. he sighed as he looked back at her, she had a scared look on her face.

"I'll find a way to lock it," he said as he looked around the empty room, anything to keep it closed.

He smiled as he triangle slap of wood on the floor, he walked to the door and stuffed the wood under the door before standing up. He pulled on the door seeing if it would budge, he smiled as it didn't move.

"It's safe," he said as he walked back to her and sat down.

"I feel safer already," she muttered as she put the empty bottle in her bag.

Toby nodded as he flopped onto his back and let out a sigh, he closed his eyes and relaxed, he was tired. Clockwork smiled as she lied down and closed her eyes, she started to play a movie in her head. It was stuck in her head ever since she was a kid, she hated it due to it distracting her though now she was grateful.

"What are you thinking of," Toby said with a smile as he opened one eye.

"Just playing a movie in my head," she said with a smile as she rolled over.

"Aw I want to watch," he teased her as he closed his eye.

She chuckled before relaxing.

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