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Clockwork sighed as Toby closed the door, she was glad he told her what was bothering him. Though she was upset that he was stubborn that he wouldn't tell her through half of the day. She stood up and grabbed the hammer, and went back to hammering wood to the walls. It sucked but it would keep them warm, as it filled the gaps in the wall. She began to think, how could a sweet boy like Toby be a killer. He seemed so normal, that she would have been fooled if she met him on the street. She shook her head, she knew why though. He was the same as her, born in a broken home, and something pushed them over the edge. His sister died and her boyfriend jumped her, the one thing that was keeping her together. She smiled, life was so cruel yet so stupid. Though she wonders how he went from trying to kill her, to living together and being friends. well just living together, they felt like good aquatints than friends. Sure they got along, though it didn't feel right. She didn't know what a true friendship felt like, only fake friends. Was this what it felt like to have a true friend, she sighed and looked away. She had no way to find out as Toby was friendless for most of his life, and Tim and Brian are a day away and she wasn't going to walk that just to ask them, plus their friendship looked toxic as well, as they tend to get into fist fights then go back to hugging later.

"Fuck," she yelp as the hammer hits her finger, pulsing pain went through her arm.

Dropping the hammer and the piece of wood she was going to nail to the wall, she held her finger with her other hand as she muttered swears under her breath. The door open and Toby walked in, a concerned look on his face.

"Are you alright," he asked as he walked to her.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, he looked at her hand to see her pointing finger red and swollen.

"Are you ok," he asked as he held her hand.

He smiled as he rubbed her finger, she winced as the pain ran through her body.

"Go and take a break I'll Join you soon," he said as he walked away and headed back outside.

She sighed and lied down, her eyes gazing at the unfinished wall. She was surprised how thin the wood look, How could he chop wood so thin and still make it look good. She yawned as her eyes slowly slipped close, no matter how much she fought to stay away. She was tired, and her body was tired of being in survival mode.


Toby sat at the door, he had no idea how to help clockwork. He knew it wasn't big, but what would he do if she got seriously hurt, if she broke a bone or cut a limb or needed stitches? He sighed and looked at the woods, he knew what he had to do for the sake of both of them, he truly didn't want to but he had no choice this wasn't a game, it was reality. He was gonna go into those wood and wander till he could find a town or city close by, after all he was going to steal a medkit and other supplies, they had none plus he couldn't make his own supplies as it was winter and everything was dead or frozen to the ground. All he had to do is wait till night so clocky wouldn't stop him or worry all night and get sick, he would be quick and she wouldn't even notice. He looked at the door, pushing it open. He smiled as he saw her asleep, he sighed and began to walk away. He would be back, when, he didn't know though he knew he would come back with what he needed.

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