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Nothing would have prepared him, what he saw was unnatural and horrific. As he took a step towards the bloody body, his brain yelled at him to rethink his decision.
Seven hours before
Clockwork looked at the shoe rack and smiled, it was a lucky find. She wanted to go back but Toby was feeling anxious about their food supply, they were low. They couldn't depend on Tim and Brian, nor the store. They would have to go hunting, though they had no idea about the surrounding area. She looked at Toby who was biting his sweater, she sighed and stood up.

" Hey Toby we should look around and see our surroundings," she said as Toby snap his head at her.

" Yeah, sounds great," he said as he stood up and grabbed his coat.

She grabbed hers before slipping on her boots, she waited at the door as Toby put on his shoes. They left their house and walked to the trees, hoping they could find something useful.

" So how are you holding up," he asked her.

" I'm fine, doing better," clockwork said with a smile.

In reality, she felt like shit, she had the same dream last night. She didn't have the heart to tell him as he was already stressed to the max, though she had a feeling he knew she was lying. He sighed and looked around, his eyes stopped on small steps on the snow. They were old, he couldn't tell how big they were but he knew it was human. Well possibly human, what walked in these forests was no joke. He began to follow them, something felt off and he felt like he needed to figure it out.

" Did you find something," she said as tapped her clock eye out of stress.

She moved her hand quickly away trying to stop her bad habit, Toby looked at her and smiled.

" I found tracks, I wanna see if they lead somewhere good," he said as he began to walk again.

She nodded and began to follow him, they would have to leave in a few hours as the sun would be setting in a few hours. She felt stupid suggesting that they should look around at eleven am, she shook her head and looked around. She was lost and had no sight of Toby, she looked at her footsteps to follow them back. Yet other footsteps surrounded her surrounding, she picked one and began to follow them. Her eyes stayed on them making sure she didn't get off course again, this sucked. She just hoped Toby was doing fine.

" Clockwork," Toby yelled as he looked around.

Her footsteps disappear in midstep, something grabbed her. He panicked and began to run off in a random direction, he heard a faint cry yet he couldn't pinpoint it.

" Clockwork," he yelled hoping for a response.

He heard something, it was crying. It wasn't any upset crying like being lost, it was more like a painful cry of pain and remorse. He quickly followed it, he saw footprints. They were new, he didn't bother on scanning them as the blood put him in protective mode. He stopped as the footsteps were gone just a pile of blood, he looked around and began to panic. The sun was going down, the sun shined a bright pink as the skin shinned with bright colors.

" Hello," he yelled, he went to call for clockwork but cries filled the air.

He turned to the sound his eyes widen as he stared at what stood in front of him, his body shook as he watched it trying to understand what was there and how it was there. Nothing would have prepared him, what he saw was unnatural and horrific. As he took a step towards the bloody body, his brain yelled at him to rethink his decision. Yet it was too late his mind was set, the body hissed at him as it went into a fighting stance. How was this possible, this wasn't human yet his brain wouldn't let him see it as a monster but a mystery.

ticciwork (Being Rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora