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Toby sat next to clockwork in the cell, talking about shit to pass the time. Toby was excited for what was to come, while clockwork had a feeling she was going to be locked up for the rest of her life.

"Sir we have two people one of them is hurt, do we let them in," one of the cops asked worried.

"How bad," the head cop questioned.

"He's coughing up blood," the other cops replied as he pointed to the door.

"let them in, we can not have them in the crossfire," he yelled in annoyance.

Two males walked in, one slumped over the taller male who had his head down.

"Do you know why he coughing blood," the cop asked the taller male.

The male smiled and pulled out a gun and shot the cop in the face, sending the cop to the ground. The shorter male stood up and pulled out a knife, slashing a cop who was next to him.

"Tim get the keys," the male said loudly as he shot another person dead.

Toby smiled as he stood up, he walked to the door and waited. He watched the masicer that happened in front of him, he turned to clockwork who was sitting down.

"Get ready cause they will leave without you if your not ready, trust me they left me tons of times," he said as he turned back to the masicure.

Clockwork sighed and walked to the door, she smiled at all the blood that splattered across the room.

"Tim I said get the damb keys," the male yelled.

"I'm trying Brian, so calm the fuck down," Tim yelled as he searched the cop's body.

"You know they keep the keys in a drawer," clockwork said board as she rolled her eye.

The two males looked at her, the tall male sighed as he shot the officer in the face.

"Check the damb drawer, Timothy," the male yelled.

"That's cool that you know that," Toby said with a big grin.

"I wanted to be a cop when I was young, then I wanted to be a social worker," she said as Toby nodded.

"Cool, I wanted to be a teacher," Toby said with a smile.

"And I wanted a normal life, so shut the fuck up you two," the hooded male yelled as he shot the locked drawer.

They quickly open the drawer and grabbed the key loop that held all the keys, hurrying to the door before more cops showed up. The masked male pushed the first key in only for it to not go in, he sighed and put the second key in. He smiled as the door unlocked, the hooded male slammed the door opened causing a loud bang, and turned to the masked male.

"Now lets leave before more pigs show up," he said as he pushed the masked male out of the way.

They walked out of the building and headed to a van that was gray, and covered in dirt and dry mud.

"The door is unlocked so just get in," the masked male said as a gunshot was heard.

Toby turned to look at the person who shot only to see clockwork fall to the ground with a thud.

"Shit," he said as he tried to run to her.

The mask picked him up and bolted.
"I'm not leaving her," Toby said as he started to hit the male's back like a child ready to have a tantrum.

The hooded male sighed and ran back to her, he quickly picked her up and ran to the van. Throwing her into the van before slamming the door, he jumped in the front seat and placed the gun on the dashboard.

" drive, dive, dive," the hooded male said while hitting the outside of the van, as he had seen in many movies.

They sped out of the station, leaving a black mark on the parking lot, and headed out of the city and away from the drama.

"Thanks, Brian, forgetting her," Toby said with a small smile.

"You owe me big time mister, and you doing a mission won't cut it," he said as he pulled out his gun. "We're being followed," toby looked back and gulped.

"Shit," the masked male said as he looked in the rearview mirror, the words taunted him, he knew everything was closer than they looked.

"Go threw the woods, let's go back to our hiding spot," the hooded male yelled as he put on his seatbelt. "Buckle up," he said as he looked at Toby.

"Why," Toby asked as he put clockwork into her seat and buckled her in.

Toby flew into the door as they hit a bump, the hooded male laughed as he watched Toby bounce around like a rag doll.

"I fucking told you so," Brian said as he laughed.

"I had to buckle clockwork first," he said as he bounced some more.

"Toby buckle up before you hurt anyone, besides yourself," the masked male yelled as he glanced at him.

Toby sighed as he tried to get into his seat, only to fail and be thrown around.

"I'm trying but it's fucking hard," Toby hissed.

"Try again cause were going to hit a lot more bumps," the hooded male said holding back laughter.

Toby sighed as he crawled into the seat, and buckled himself in. He huffed tiredly that he had used so much energy to pull himself into the seat and buckle up without being thrown out.

"I'm in," he said as the van hit the bumps. " Oh sweet Jesus," Toby said as he bounced around in his seat.

"Such a shame you were buckled up," the hooded male chuckled slightly.

"Fuck you, Brian, you are an ass," Toby said as he kicked the back of his seat.

"Will you stop it Toby before I punch you," Brian hissed his mood turned cold.

"Both of you shut up before I turn this van around," the masked male yelled.

They looked at him and laughed, they didn't take him seriously.

"I fucking dare you Timothy" the hooded male laughed as he pushed his arm playfully. "Also how's your girlfriend," Brian said to Toby.

"She's not my girlfriend, and I don't know she not awake," Toby said as he looked at her.

"I will check her when we get to the hidout," the masked male said as he sharply turned on the hidden path.

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