52 3 6

Warning this chapter has sensitive topics: blood, gore, Sally's Original and slight Au.


Sally glanced at the two adults for the hundredth time, she wondered when they would wake up and take her home. She was bored of waiting but she didn't want to wake them up, as they did take her in from the cold winter. She would have left to find her own way home, but she couldn't remember the way back. Everything hand changed since she died, trees grew on old paths while causing new ones that brought anyone careless deeper into the woods. She herself was reckless and followed the path, she sighed as she looked at the door. She carefully looked around the house, it looked familiar, did they repair this building. She leaned her head back and looked at the ceiling, forty-five wood slabs were nailed to the roof. Yet she would count them again to pass more time, but it'll be the last time she'll count the roof.
An hour passed and Toby finally woke up, he looked at the small child who glared at him.

" It's late noon, we were supposed to leave earlier," Sally said as Toby looked away.

" Sorry," he said to the little girl whose arms were crossed.

" I'll take up clockwork and will go," he said calmly as he turned the adult female who was softly breathing.

Sally nodded as she stood up and walked to her shoe and slipped it on, she wished she had the other one but it was lost the day she ran from her uncle as he chased her through the forest. She sighed as she looked at the shoe, its pink glittery surface was now muddy and lost its color. Tears began to surface as she remembered everything that happen, she kicked off her shoe. She didn't want to wear it, she looked at her dress it was pretty once, her mother gave it to her for her birthday. Her arms fell to her size, her blood stained the top of the dress as the bottom had dry mud. Rip sleeves and the bottom was torn here and there as holes pattered the dress randomly, she never really saw her clothes as they were now. She just imagined they would always look the same, yet everything changed including the bright pink color that would make any eighty's kids cringe at how bright it was. The dress now a greyish pink with a mix of blood and mud, she wondered what she looked like. She moved her hands to her view, her eyes widening as her soft clean hands that were a light peach were now white and rough, her nails long and chipped as blood and mud mixed on her skin. She saw bumps under her skin and she picked at it before her skin popped away from the bump, she grabbed whatever was causing the bump. She dropped it as she let out a blood-curdling scream at made both adults look at her worried, there on the floor was a maggot dead and almost crystallize. She began to find more on her body, she started to let her fear take over. She began to pull the bugs out of her skin ripping chunks of skin off, stopping when she was pinned to the ground

" Breath," Clockwork yelled as she looked at the wounds the child had caused.

She looked at the floor to see the dead bugs with chunks of dead flesh and skin, clockwork sighed as she grabbed the small child who was going through a psychotic meltdown.

" Get them out, get the bugs out of my skin," she screamed as she tried to rip off the skin.

" Breath, breath, will get them out just calm down," clockwork said as the small girl shook violently before going limp as her eyes shook harshly in one spot.

" lay her down she going to have a seizure," Toby said as he grabbed a thick leather slab.

Clockwork lied her down as Toby put the slab in her mouth to prevent her from biting off her tongue, Toby sighed as the small figure started convulsions. Clockwork screamed at Toby begging him to do something, he knew there was nothing that could be done. He sat down and held clockwork's hand, the adult cried as she felt the helplessness come back.

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