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Sally pov:

I ran around the kitchen my shoes tapping on the old tile floors, It brought back old memories. Remembering my younger sister and I dancing in the kitchen while we had our shoes on, the clicking would make a tapping sound that reminded me of dance shoes as they tapped their shoes on the ground. Father enjoyed them a little to much especially when the ladies showed up, mother found them entertaining yet she only watched the black and white show when father was gone. But they were gone, forever. Mother left with sister after they split up, she left me with father as I wasn't like my sister. Sky blue eyes that seemed to never stop shinning, golden locks that held many waves. She look identical to mother but those eyes, they weren't hers or father. I sometimes wonder if she regrets leaving me alone with father, leaving me to die. I know she visit once and that was after I died she didn't ask about me, she just came back for her makeup she left behind. Sister on the other hand was sad she couldn't find me, but mother ignored her. I shook my head as I was ripped back to reality, the room dark and moldy. Floor covered in dirt, moss and mold as my fathers blood molded over. He was here, he was covered stuck here while I could leave. I was lucky to be found, my body free from my death place. Father on the other hand has a missing limb here, I knew to hide his finger in the floor boards next to the TV. He was dambed to stay here till he is fully found, I chuckled as I began to run around the room. Ignoring the rats that scattered when I pasted by them, I didn't mind them it was nice to have living company once in a while. A cry filled the house and my head shot to the living room, a smile came onto my face knowing my fathers soul had finally healed and was brought back into the living realm. I brought the doll close to my chest, I kept it with me after all these years as it was a gift from my younger cousin. Well I saw it as a gift, she didn't want it as she was afraid she would break it so she gave it to me. I gave her my cupcake so she would still have the same amount of gifts, she seemed to enjoy the cupcake more than the doll. She was six at the time two years before Father became a monster, I sighed as I began my walk to the living room. My father looked at me reaching for me, I knew he was asking for forgiveness. He always asked everytime, I would never forgive him he ruined my cousin and I.

" Sally baby girl, forgive me I don't deserve this anymore. It's been over a hundred years," he cried acting like a baby.

" You killed me and my cousin, you took our innocent and left use to decay alone and afraid. Nobody has found my cousin, she hasn't been placed to rest because you were selfish," I said as I stood in front of him.

His eyes widen as he looked into my eyes, I bent down and placed a hand on his head. Forcing my energy onto him, my memory playing into his head as he felt every pain I felt, he began to beg and cry. He was a baby, I never cried this much when I played his games.

" For the love of God stop, go into the light he doesn't want you to do this,"father said as he screamed.

I only giggle, he was preying to a God that left him.

" Father who do you think sent me back," I said with a laugh that made look in horror.

He went to cry for help, stopping him as I dug my nails into his head. His soul began to crack before shattering into pieces before melting into nothing, I was done with him for today. I sighed and stood up and walked to the TV, turning it on and switching it to cartoons. I walked to the armchair that was placed a few feet away from the TV, I sat down and began to watch. Father enjoyed his TV but now it was mine, I can now watch it when ever since he died since God sent me down to massacre pure evil off this world.

" Sally," a voice called from my room.

I knew my friend has come back, her voice had that haunting echo. I stood up and skipped to my room, stopping at my door and pushing the once boarded door open. There she was sitting in the dark on my dusty bed, she looked up yet her bangs blocked my view of her eyes.

" Rosemary your back," I said as I ran to her.

She opened her arms and caught me as she let out a laugh that would make the living run.

" Hello Sally," she said as I got up and pulled her off the bed.

we looked alike as the dead, our dress were long and fluffy. Mine with faded pink with mud and blood stains, her a bright blue and as clean as freshly fallen snow. Our hair long, hers straight with a small curl at the end. Mine was wavy with blood at the top of my head where my father killed me, our black shoes shinny as ever.

" I have news," she said as she looked back down.

I leaned in letting her know I was interested, she had a hard time hearing the tone of voice I had so I did my best to help her. She smiled and sat down, I joined her knowing it was important.

" Sally, I found her," she said with a soft voice.

A smile came on my face, My cousin was found. We would be reunited again, I looked at Rosemary who seemed down.

" Thanks you, you are the bestest best friend I ever had," I said as I clapped my hands together.

" Why, you died because I didn't tell my parent what your dad did," she said as she looked up.

" we were kids, you were just a kid your parents probably wouldn't have done anything. You can't live by the what if, you have to live with next time," I spoke as she nodded.

" But we're dead," she said as she hid her smile

I cackled at her joke, I loved her dark jokes even though they were a coping skill.

" Sally was found by a new couple, they brought her to my grandson, the girl has grown attached. They apparently shared the same pain," Rosemary said as I looked at her.

" At least she safe," I said as I got up, before pulling her off the floor.

She pointed north-east before her arm flopped to her side, I nodded and looked at her.

" Hannah I ready to pass any day," I smiled slightly.

" The group will be together again," I spoke as Rosemary nodded.

" You'll be the only one with ever inside joke," Rosemary said with a smile as her cheeks showed little color.

I chuckled.

" Yeah," I responded as I looked around my old room.

It was dusty but the only room that was in good condition, I glanced over at my friend her eyes looking at the small round tea party table.

" We had such good times back them," She said as I remembered mother bring out tea and cookies as father brought out the table.

" Yeah," I mumbled as I remembered our last time together.

The adults were trying to stop us all from seeing each other, they said it was the last because my parents split up. I wished I could have seen their face when they saw I went missing, I wondered what they felt.

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