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Days had passed, Toby and clockwork had gone home taking Sally with them. Clockwork sighed as she looked at Toby who seemed out of it, she walked to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Toby glanced at her and smiled before looking away, he zoned out again as he looked at the wall.

"Toby funny are you ok?" Clockwork asked softly as he nodded.

"I'm waiting for my sister to pick me up," Toby said happily as he looked at clockwork.

"Toby, do you know who I am?" She asked as he shook his head.

"Are you a friend of Lyra?" He asked innocently.

Clockwork covered her mouth as she held back a cry, she nodded softly before walking away. She took a few deep breaths before walking to Sally who was drawing, she needed to talk to her.

"Hey Sally, I'm gonna go get some wood," she said as Sally looked at her with a smile.

"Alright Mama," Sally said as she looked away from clockwork who smiled slightly as she wiped tears from her face.

She walked to the door and grabbed her shoes, slipping them on before walking out. She closed the door behind her as she grabbed the ax, she let out a sigh as she walked to the trees. It was hard to breathe, she couldn't handle the pain in her chest but she just moved on. She stopped at the trees as she raised her ax and swung down, she began to chop at the tree harshly. Tree chunks flew everywhere as she let loose, letting her anger and pain take control. Over and over as she chopped the tree, she let it all out on this tree.

'Snap' the tree began to fall yet she didn't move, the tree fell beside her as she caught her breath.

She stood straight up before glaring at the fallen tree, walked to the tree, and began to chop at the tree once again. The tree fell apart in chunks, she kept going till she had little piles of wood for the fire. She stopped for a second before swinging the ax, wood flew from the blow. She kept hitting and hitting, even when the wood moved from her when she bit the tree. She huffed as she swung down harshly, missing the tree and sending the blade into her leg. She fell to the ground as she let out a scream, her hands held the ax in place so it wouldn't cause more damage to her. She took a deep breath as she crawled to the house, leaving a small blood trail.

"Goddamit," she hissed harshly.

The pain in her leg began to spread to her thigh, she took a deep breath before she crawled to the door in a rush. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her adrenaline was finally kicking in. The pain was slowly fading, she glanced at her leg. She paled as she saw how bad it was, blood seeped out. She looked back to the door, she began to crawl on her hands and knee as she limped.

"I'm ok, I can do this," she muttered as she got closer to the door.

The door burst open and clockwork fell inside as Toby snapped out of his daze as he looked at clockwork, he acted and grabbed the med kit from the bag before running to her. He took out the supplies beifre he helped her, he looked at her leg as he saw the ax deep in her leg. It had barely missed the bone, though it had hit a nerve. He got ready to do surgery, he sighed and looked at her.

"Ma'am is there something behind me," he asked hoping it would distract her.

She looked behind him, Toby smiled as he yank out the ax. He quickly wrapped it as she screamed, Toby waited as he put pressure on the badges. He needed the wound to slow its bleeding, she would bleed out if he didn't.

"It's alright, don't worry," he said softly as she shook.

"Is mama going to be alright," Sally asked as she looked away from her drawing.

"Yeah, mama going to be ok," Toby said as he tried his best to calm her down.

He removed the badged and cleaned it up before stitching the wound up, she wondered as she tried to find back her screams. Toby wiped up the blood up seeing the wound was stitched good, he smiled and wrapped her leg.

"There you go, your leg is fixed. Stay off it for a bit," he said calmly as he stood up.

"Thank you, Toby," she said as she looked down.

"No problem," he said as he sat down and stared at the door.

Clockwork sighed as she crawled to sally, stopping as she was next to her. She rolled over and sat down, pulling Sally into her lap. Sally looked at her and smiled.

"You ok mama," Sally asked as clockwork smiled.

"I'm fine Sally, mama is ok," clockwork said softly as Sally nodded.

"Ok," she said as she crawled out of clockwork lap and back to her drawing.

Clockwork sighed as she glanced at Toby with hurt eyes, she was losing him every day. His memory was fading, almost every day he was like this, waiting for his sister or his mother as he had forgotten who he was now. Though once in a while he was himself, talking about good times and cuddling with each other. She felt helpless, she lived with him but she could take care of two people. She feared he would walk out looking for someone who was long gone, yet she couldn't stop loving him. She would stay by his side, they were a family they had Sally with them. Though clockwork knew Sally was afraid that Toby would leave her, that she would lose another dad.

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