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Chapter 69:


The atmosphere was definitely different from their previous game. During the Haranishi game, they had been relatively a lot more relaxed than now.

A sort of involuntary pin drop silence filled the room. Everyone seemed to be contemplating the outcome. During the Haranishi game, they had only the recon tapes. But now they knew what they were in for because of the practice game. And that didn't exactly make them feel more comfortable.

Both teams had played at half-strength then. Now, they would go head to head. One energetic center, a point guard who knew formless, a clutch shooter. Not a lineup you took easily. Underestimating them would probably be fatal.

Sora was a bit curious. She looked over at Honami senpai. She would be playing against her old friend. But Honami's face had it's usual calm expression before a match. Sora knew that she would give more than her all in the upcoming match.

Chihaya was blocking out the world with music. Eru was drinking juice from a carton. Akira was fidgeting. Really badly. Sora looked away because it made her feel restless herself.

Coach was leaning against a wall. Sora had heard somewhere that coaches gave pep talks before hard matches. But apparently coach didn't believe that nonsense.

Finally they were called out.

Midorima had warned her that Leo was seventh that day. He had even insisted that everyone playing carry their lucky item. Luckily hers was a hairpin. Nothing too flashy. Aquarius was third. Akira clutched her playing card before heading out.

The Teiko team was greeted by cheers as they walked out. Kamiya was already there.

As usual, the two teams shook hands before beginning.

"Yo, Ho." whispered Ritsuko as she shook Honami's hand.

"Ritsuko, this isn't exactly time for puns. Besides I'm not sure whether we can talk in lineups."

"......damn the rules I say."

Saki, the point guard, winked at Sora. "Well met. Bring on the worst I guess."

"You can count on that!"

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