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Chapter 80:


Sora pushed back her chair and gave a small sound of relief. She had just completed the final exam. Good thing that was over. She scrunched up her eyes. She would definitely have to have a good night's rest today.

Sora felt her eyes slowly closing.

Somewhere she could her the school cat yowling. She smiled. During that one year she had come to love Teiko. She remembered her first day there. Akira crashing into the cycle stand.... That was something she wasn't likely to forget.....

And then there was the basketball club....

Sora felt like she had lived half of her short life there. What with the practice and it's aftermaths..... She could still hear the shoes and the sound of the net even without trying hard.

She remembered the time when they had won the national. Everyone looked so happy! That part in her life seemed to be a quick blur. Not to mention the after-party. Honami senpai would be graduating..... So Chihaya senpai had gone all out. If it wasn't for coach..... Sora chuckled slightly when she remembered Chihaya treating the juice like it was actual sake.

(Note: Sake is a sort of rice wine.)

And not to mention the gom. In that one year, Sora had forgotten what life was like without them and Akira. Not that she was too keen to remember.... God, what trouble they had caused during the last ten months....

The Sora heard a voice breaking her reverie.

"Himeji.... I need to collect your paper...."

Sora woke up with a jolt. "Yes, sensei!"

The bell rang. The air was filled with the sound of whooping and cheering.

Her first year at Teiko had come to an end.


Author's note:

Wah! It's done! Now after a few extra chapters, Teiko's basketball #1 will be complete! :)

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