Note passing

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Chapter 54:

Note passing

Akira looked moodily out of the window. It looked like it was going to rain. Sunako sensei was saying something about their lesson. But a nice rainy day is never a good time for subjects like literature. Akira just wanted to curl up somewhere.

A slip of paper was passed to her. Akira opened it to find Sora's handwriting on it.

*We're getting a coach. Today.*

Akira scratched down a reply.

*What the hell? Who's it? Who told?*

Soon, a piece of paper reached her again.

*Satsuki. And how the hell do I know who it is?*

*You're sure it's true?*

*It's from Satsuki!*

Akira looked up at Sora. She looked like she was studiously listening. But she seemed to be writing a reply. Just then, Sora got a note from behind. She looked at it and made an irritated sound. She scratched out her reply and started writing again. Akira received the message.

*Tyl. We're getting interference.*

Interference? What on earth was going on?

The bell rang after ten minutes. But it seemed like an eternity to Akira. She stretched herself and went up to Sora's bench.

"Interference? Something up?"

In response, Sora handed her a note. It was written in a neat, precise handwriting. If that wasn't a good enough clue about who it was, there was the message itself.....

*Himeji, are you aware that someone is taking class in the front? What on earth are you doing passing notes? And don't disturb Tamotsu too. This is an important lesson. If you pass notes again, I'll tell sensei. Or worse.*

"One can't help but wonder what the 'worse' part is...." commented Akira.

"You know, one day sooner or later, he's going to talk too. I'm positively waiting for that." grumbled Sora.

"Himeji." said a voice behind her. "I require an explanation."

Sora turned to find Akashi glaring at her. He handed her a piece of paper.

"I thought it was quite self-explanatory." she said innocently.

"You know next time I see you two note-passing, I will inform sensei."

"Akira was wondering what worse meant." said Sora.

"Don't you dare drag me into this!" hissed Akira as Akashi turned to look at her.

"Unlike you, I believe she has a better sense of self-preservation." was his reply to Sora. And then he walked off.

"What was that all about?" said Akira breathing a sigh of relief.

"Oh, it's probably the reply I sent." said Sora airily.

"And what was your reply....."

Sora gave her the piece of paper.

*Go hang yourself. Or impale yourself like the guy in the lesson. There. Now you know I am listening.*

"He's right." concluded Akira. "You really want to die afterall."

"Leave that! What about the new coach?"

"Yeah! I wanted to ask you."

"Suki-san has got her sources. She's says this one is really accurate. She'll come today."

"Just two more periods to go!"

"Yup. Oh and Akira-san, sensei is coming....."

"Roger. I'll scram.'

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