Extra chapter: Lemonade stand 1

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Extra chapter: Lemonade stand 1

Sora had been concentrating very hard. She had been building a card house for the last one hour. It had become quite big now. Sora unable to find a good way to pass the time during the holidays had resorted to this. After messing up several times, losing hope and consoling herself she had managed to reach the current level of progress.

Sora let out a sigh of satisfaction. Now onto the next level. She cracked her knuckles and took two cards in each hand. She carefully raised it above the card house.

Damn it!

The phone had rung when she had placed the two cards causing her hands to jerk. Sora looked at the ruin around her and groaned.

Sora: Which..... idiotic....utter..... imbecile is this?

Akashi: Hello?

Sora: It's you.

Akashi: .... is there a problem of sorts Himeji.

Sora: You'd better learn to work on your timing. Bye.

Kuroko: Sora-san, why are you upset? Do you need any help?

Sora: Kuroko-san..... you too?

Midorima: Did we chose the wrong moment to call, nanodayo?

Sora: Like hell you did.....

Aomine: What exactly were you doing? It's the holidays.

Akira: Yosh. I added Satsuki too. Wait.....

Sora: Ohkay.... So it's all of us....

Murasakibara: That's right, Sora-chin.

Satsuki: Hey guys!

Chorus: "Hello."

Akira: All gathered?

Sora: Looks like it.....

Kuroko: But wait. Sora-san, you were in trouble?

Akira: Trouble? Sora? What.......

Sora: Pipe down, Akira-san.... it's nothing.

Akashi: Oh really?

Sora: Believe it or not, yeah.

Murasakibara: Shall we get down to business?

Sora: Business?

Satsuki: Oh! I forgot to tell you Sora-chan. The guys were planning to have a lemonade stand. They thought of this today morning. Apparantly, they were lacking a way to pass the time.

Aomine: Oi! How did you even know that!

Akira: That's Suki-chan for you......

Midorima: So, shall we go through with it?

Sora: Wait, wait! Lemonade? Why lemonade?

Akira: It's easy to make. And the ingredients cost less.....

Murasakibara: It's tasty!

Sora: Oh.

Akashi: So, are we doing it?

*murmurs of assent*

Satsuki: Nae, I've been cross-referencing the lemonade stand sales from different areas and I think having a spot near the park will guarantee more sales.

Akira: Where do you even get data for lemonade stand sales records.....

Satsuki: *tehe* Not telling!

Akashi: Fine. I think I know a store nearby which is going to relocate. If we can rent it out......

Sora: Hold your horses! I think I got confused between 'stand' and 'store' when I agreed. Sorry, I'm not getting into actual business so early.....

Kuroko: I think all of us assumed the same thing.....

Akashi: Did you think we were actually going to put up a table in the middle of the park and hawk lemonade?

Midorima: I think that's the general idea, nanodayo.

Akashi: Midorima..... Are you sure about this.

Murasakibara: Aka-chin, it's no fun otherwise......

Akashi: Fine then. Due to majority, we do it the normal way.

Satsuki: *excited* It's settled! Who's making the lemonade?

Akira: Suki-san, we were coming to that....

Satsuki: Then I'll do it! I'll go get the ingredients! *hangs up*

Aomine: Akira, you idiot! What did you just do?

Akira: *panics* I swear... I never thought she would be so ready.....

Sora: Something wrong?

Aomine: Do any of you know about Satsuki's cooking?

Sora: Oh. I've heard legends......

Aomine: Got to go. I'll stop her from committing multiple homicide.... *hangs up*

Akira: All the best, Mine-kun.......

Midorima: You know instigators of murder have harsher punishments than the actual killers, nanodayo.....

Akira: Shut up, four eyes! I think I'll go too! *hangs up*

Midorima: When push comes to shove, no one can prevent fate, nanodayo.

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