Tournament fever

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Chapter 7:

Tournament fever

"That's excellent news Kuroko-kun!"

Kuroko had just been added to the bench of the first string. There was a good chance that he would be allowed to play in the upcoming Inter-school tournament. Sora was just congratulating Kuroko when Akira turned up.

"Tetsu-kun! Congrats! I just heard."

"Thank you, Tamotsu-san."

"Jeez... How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Akira. Everyone does."

"Anyway, I have to go now. I thank you both for your support." Kuroko left them to return to his class.

"Everyone is in that mood huh?" mused Sora.

"Of course! It's tournament season!"

"Oh and that reminds me, Akira-san... Show me your test papers."

"Why do you want them-"

"You know why! And don't look at me! Honomi-senpai asked me to do it. We need a forward you know."

"Here! See... You have nothing to worry about!"

"Nice, Akira-san! You've done quite well."

"What do you expect... I was made a victim of a horror movie by you and senpai..."

"Sorry. But you know it was necessary..."

"Like hell I do..."

"Today is a double practice, huh. Good luck!"

"Speak for yourself..."

All the sports teams of Teiko were in top-gear. The tournament fever had started! This epidemic pervaded throughout the school. The members of every sports club were practicing feverishly cheered on by all and sundry. In the court, the entire team was getting diced by Honomi.

"Akira, that's a foul, damn it! Sakura keep moving! Be aggressive even though you are a shooting guard. Kana! Rika! Move it! Increase your speed."

Sora was helping wherever she could. During time outs she handed out the towels and gave short lectures to each player.

"Akira, you are not too good at tackling people. If you can't take the ball, leave it. You end up fouling. Sakura-san try to steal the ball if it's within reach. Even if you can't go head on, this might work..."

Akira was really at her limit. She was tired and wanted to escape practice. So she thought up an excuse for the captain and went to the roof instead. To her surprise she found she had company. Aomine Daiki was also bunking practice.

"Mine-kun! You too?"

"Yo. There's plenty of room I suppose."

"Count me in!"

But their peaceful tranquility was not to last for long. Sora, knowing Akira too well, had accurately thought that she would be on the roof. She now stood before them.

" Akira, you slacker! And... Aomine-kun? Both of you get back right now!"

Akira lifted her head, sighed and slowly got up. But Aomine didn't move a muscle.

"Aomine-kun, get going! You have practice too."

"I don't need it!"

"Aomine-kun! The matches are coming up. The way you play will affect your entire team! Being a power forward has a lot of responsibility-"

"Quit it! Leave me alone! Who says I have to attend practice to win?"

"Says the guy behind her." It was Akashi. Honami had not been the only captain to realize the absence of a team mate. Nijimura had sent Akashi to fetch Aomine.

While going back Sora said, "I wonder... did you two have anything in mind?"


"Well, you knew you had to face your captains eventually. So you must have had an escape plan..."

Aomine and Akira looked at each other. " Sh*t," they chorused.

Akashi shrugged. "What did you expect? They're a pair of ahos."

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