The second years

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Chapter 22:

The second years

One of the few universally accepted facts is that life is never unidirectional. Although the g.o.m were involved in their own issues, they also had to face their normal routine. Practice had started from the second day itself.

Sora and Akira were curious about the second years who were going to join. So they hurried to practice earlier than usual. And they were not disappointed. One of the second year girls had already arrived. She caught them staring and said,

"Hey! You're both firsties right? How are you finding it so far?"

They both nodded.

"Quit staring at me," she said with a chuckle, "It's not like I'm going to eat you."

"Senpai, are you the center?" inquired Sora.

"That's right. I'm Taketa Chihaya."

Chihaya was quite tall and had a good build for a center. Having someone who had experience in playing as a center would probably increase their chances drastically. During the prelims, the team had mostly relied on offense play to get them through.

"That girl is late..." muttered Chihaya. "Airhead."

Just then another girl waltzed in. "Chi-san! It's not like I can help it! Oh, fresh faces... Don't give them a bad first impression."

Turning to both of them, she said "I'm Yuusuke Eru. Nice to meet you!"

"Same here senpai," replied Sora.

"Senpais... Can we have a two on two match now..." began Akira.

Sora kicked her discreetly and shook her head. But Chihaya merely laughed. "Fine by me. What about you, Eru-san?"

"As always."


Tip off!

Chihaya was the first to take the ball. She tried to pass to Eru, but Sora caught the ball. She passed the ball to Akira, who went for a shot. But unfortunately she took a long range shot.

Chihaya stopped it.

"Eh... Not bad firsties."

"Did you see that jump?" Akira hissed to Sora. Sora nodded. The block had sufficiently unnerved Akira.

Chihaya passed it to Eru who shot immediately.

"Nice," whispered Sora. "Such a quick release... She didn't even think. So she must be the shooting guard... But even so..."

Next time, Akira took the ball. Chihaya blocked her and took it. She passed to Eru. Sora immediately ran in front of Eru. As she shot she managed to scratch the ball slightly. Rebound!

But Chihaya was there in no time. She managed to get the ball but Sora was waiting and took it from her the minute she finished the jump. She quickly passed to Akira. Akira who had overcome her trance, made a shot.

They were going to continue when they heard a voice.

"What's this? Seems like someone is having fun."

"Yo! Honami-senpai!" said Eru waving.

"I hate to admit it, but I missed you two," said Honami with a smile, "Just like you two to make such a flashy entrance. Troubling first years are we?"

"These two?" said Chihaya with a chuckle, "They're devils. That one made Eru do a rebound," she said pointing at Sora.

"What about the other?"

"She reeks of being a power forward."

"Hey!" protested Akira.

"It's a half-compliment kouhai. And it's the best you'll get," said Chihaya with a wink.

"Yup. She's your typical power forward," commented Honami, "So how was the trip?"

"We lived in a dream..." said Eru wistfully.

"You're doing that even now kouhai..." said Honami shaking her head.

"Nae..." began Chihaya and went and whispered something to Honami who also whispered back. Chihaya seemed to be satisfied with the answer.

"So I don't have to face the she-devil now--"

"She-devil?" inquired Sora.

"Nothing you have to be worried about for now kouhai," said Chihaya lightly.

"Nae, let's catch up!" said Eru happily.

"Not so fast kouhai... This is practice" reminded Honami.

Eru pouted. "You're no fun senpai!" she announced teasingly as they started their routine practice.

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