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Chapter 61:


"Aomine Daiki, get out of there!" said Akira.


"You can't spend the entire day in a closet!"

"Watch me."

"It's lunch and I'm hungry. Get out of there."

"They'll kill me. I don't wanna."

"Do you want me to smoke you out?"


"Aomine Daiki! If you don't open that door now, I'm going straight to Haizaki and tell him what an overgrown chicken you are."

Akira heard the lock opening slowly. The door opened just a little bit.

"If something happens, you're responsible."

"Yeah right. Put that in your suicide note. Get out, aho."

Aomine slowly set foot out of the door. Akira sighed. Today had been tough. Aomine was hiding from the girls who wanted to give him their notes. Frankly, Akira had been amazed that they'd actually fall for this aho. Then again, there was no accounting for taste. Akira had been forced to protect him all day. This had been a drastic change from the usual 'bring the sh*t on' guy but Akira was thoroughly enjoying it.

"The others are waiting on the roof."


"They're here, nanodayo." said Midorima as they arrived.

"You two OK?" asked Akashi and they nodded.

"Let's eat!"

"Oi Tetsu." said Aomine. "Tell me. How does this whole invisibility thing work."

"It's not exactly like that." replied Kuroko. "I usually have a very low presence. I just intensify it on the court."

"Kuroko's skill is unique. It's both because of his innate character and skill. They both make quite a formidable combination." said Akashi.

"Is there any particular reason you wanted know, Aomine-kun?" said Kuroko.

"Not exactly." replied Aomine. "But you know it might come in handy sometimes. Like today."

Kuroko expressed his sympathy.

"Is it really so hard?" inquired Akira.

"Try to go about when every other person you know looks like she wants to mug you. Damn Feb 14!"

"You're overreacting."

"Look who that's coming from. Ran into a spot yourself, didn't you?" said Aomine slyly.

Akira suddenly became engrossed in her own lunch.

"If anyone has any topic except your affairs of today please speak up. It's getting kind of boring." moaned Sora.

"Speaking of today's affairs...."

"Bakashi! How many times do I tell you I didn't look at the envelopes. No.Just don't open your mouth. Midorima-kun, can you please change the topic?"

"Today's oha-asa is also featuring compatibility tests, nanodayo...."

"Good try. I guess. Mura-san, why don't you try?"

"They're selling chocolates at half-price today."

"Is it?"

"I brought a whole bunch. They're great! Except the shape though. They're all hearts."

"I see. Well I guess it doesn't matter as long as they're good."

"Yup. They're also selling bonbons Sora-chin."

"I'll keep it in mind."

Bell rang signalling the end of lunch. Aomine gulped. Akira read his expression.

"Aho. Don't worry. I'll escort you...."


Finally, the end of a hellish day.

Sora was closing her locker when she noticed Akashi clearing out his own.

"My prince never fears of want of attention does he?"

"Shut up. After eight hours of this madness, it's finally getting to me. Don't make me take it out on you."

"Eh, I wonder...."

Akashi suddenly came near her.

"Sora, I've considered your proposal...."

"My what? Wait, what's with the first name...."

"I really don't know what to say. Although I'll think it over. I hope I decide affirmatively."

"I don't get what the hell you are..." said Sora and then turned to see someone leaving.

"Akashi Seijuro! Did you just pretend that you..... to get rid of them...."

Akashi just grinned.

"Why you sadistic, ............"

"Don't swear."


Just as she expected, Sora was waylaid by a couple of her classmates.

"Sora-san! You never told me that you too.... Did he actually accept?! It did sound like it. Jeez, you should have told us. How come you're stealing my prince away? It's not fair!"

"Akari, trust me. He's just messing with all of us." said Sora grimly.

"Why would he do that?"

"Because he's a sadistic.........."

"No! My prince isn't like that!"

"Akari. A word of advice. Next time, do a bit of homework before you start sending love notes."

"Sora-san's mean! I'll tell my prince."

"...... Have it your way."

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