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Chapter 25:


Sora could barely watch the two. It was too painful. It looked as if they had been forced into it at gunpoint. They were half avoiding each other!

She had spotted Murasakibara and Haizaki. They weren't exactly doing a good job 'blending in'. At least they seemed to be enjoying the food.

Hmm... At last Aomine was opening his mouth... Oh, he was ordering the food. Sora jerked. She grabbed Satsuki's sleeve.

"Satsuki-san, that waiter!" Satsuki took only one look and collapsed into silent laughter.

It was Akashi.

"Talk about crossing lines..." muttered Sora.

Akashi was covering his face with a tray but his hair was a dead giveaway. He bent down and whispered something to Aomine who was pretending to order food. Talk about cliches. Akira on the other hand was desperately signalling Sora and she did notice what was going on next to her. Sora signalled for her to stay calm and act normal. Satsuki was still recovering from the shock.

Akashi finished telling Aomine something to Aomine and then tried to leave. On some sadistic impulse Sora called,


Akashi froze in shock. But he had no other option.

"We'd like to place an order," said Sora ignoring Satsuki who was silently dying.

He nodded still keeping the tray in front of his face.

"Shouldn't you be taking notes or something?"

He shook his head and tapped his forehead. He still didn't seem to want to open his mouth.

"So what do people order most in this restaurant?"

He held out the menu and indicated the names of the food. But Sora had no intention of giving up. "You know, it's our first time here, so what do you think we should order?"

"Try the pasta, nanodayo."

It was Midorima! He had apparently come to rescue Akashi. Sora choked. He was wearing tinted glasses which he probably thought was a 'disguise'. Even if Sora had been blind, she would have recognized the 'nanodayo' anywhere.

"I see... What do you say Satsuki-san?" turning to Satsuki who was incapable of talking at the moment. Oh well.

"We'll go with the pasta," said Sora.

Both of them left as fast as they could.

"Midorima, my cover has been blown," said Akashi, "Its up to you now...."

"We are never doing a stunt like this ever again, nanodayo."


Meanwhile at Akira's table, Aomine seemed to be at his limit. Finally he said,

"Akira, I have something to say."


"Haizaki was the one who forced me into this... We had a bet and then, things got out of hand..."

Akira stared at him, slowly comprehending...

"Aho! You're such a jerk!"

So saying she left the restaurant with a helpless Aomine in pursuit of her.


Sora looked up. So that was what was going on... Now she felt a bit bad for Akira.

"Satsuki-san, let's follow..."

"Yeah," said Satsuki who was also looking concerned. Murasakibara and Haizaki had already gone out.

"Oh, one minute, Satsuki-san..." said Sora remembering something. She scanned the crowd and found Akashi standing at one corner. She went up to him.

"Hey thanks for your service earlier."

He nodded again.

"Here's your tip," she said handing him a 10 yen note and left.

When he opened the note and inside was a piece of paper.

*Akashi-san, I took the liberty of taking a picture. If it's any consolation, Satsuki-san took a picture of Midorima-kun too.*

Akashi looked up in horror at Sora who smiled and winked at him before leaving.

"What is it, nanodayo?"

It was Midorima. Akashi quickly tore up the note. Nothing good would come out of Midorima committing suicide in the middle of the restaurant.

"Only something really trivial..."


Akira hurried down the street with Aomine in pursuit. She couldn't believe he had done this to her. Aomine caught up.

"Akira, listen, I swear the only reason I went through this sh*t was because I was afraid you would never talk to me again if I pulled out. Don't do this now... It's not fair... I..."

"I hate you."

"I swear I'm sorry."

Akira took a deep breath. "I still hate you."

Akira looked around. Looks like she had walked into a park. There was a court on one side. Some kids were taking a break after playing a game of basketball. Aomine followed her gaze.

"Wanna play basketball?"

"What about the ball?" said Akira.

"Don't worry we'll borrow one," said Aomine dragging her towards the court.

"I am so going to beat you, aho. Consider it my revenge."

"You wish!" said Aomine with a laugh.

And that was how the gang found them. Sora saw Murasakibara and Haizaki were watching the match from a distance.

Sora looked at Akira. She was laughing and seemed to be really enjoying herself. All her awkwardness had totally vanished and she was in her element. That brought a smile to her own face. Idiots... she shook her head.

"Satsuki-san, it looks like there's nothing more left for us to do."

"Yup. Let's go."

"You came too?" said someone behind them. Both of them jumped. It was Kuroko.

"Oh, Kuroko-san..."

"Maybe we went a bit too far..." he said watching them. "Thank God... I almost pressed the fire alarm..."

"Fire alarm?" said Sora weakly.


The next day Akashi found Sora fiddling with her locker as usual. Come on... Say it... Say it. She looked at him.

"Morning, Akashi-san."

"Morning," he said waiting.

She turned to leave.

"Wait!" he said. "Just say it!"

"Say what?"

"Yesterday! Surely you have something to say. Anyway... Delete it. It's an order."

To his annoyance she just smiled.

"Delete it... Please?"

She chuckled and as she passed him she said, "I never took one in the first place."

He sighed with relief as she left. The only consolation was that he probably had two and a half years of his life to get back for this.

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