Scary movie

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Chapter 38:

Scary movie

Akira couldn't exactly recall how she had been conned into this, but part of her said that she had been the one with the suggestion. Her parents worked late, so most of the time she had the house to herself. That meant it was the perfect place to hang out.

During the second day of practice, no one was in the mood to play. So they ended up leaving early. Satsuki wanted to watch a movie, and everyone caught on to the idea. And the venue was Akira's house.

The g.o.m along with Satsuki and Sora were now eagerly investigating Akira's living quarters.

"Woah! Look at that stereo!"

"You have quite an awesome collection of movies Akira!"

"Right guys, my parents' room is off limits, but other than that, feel free," said Akira.

"Akira-san, not a bad book collection," said Sora.

"Oh, thanks. My parents read too. So there's a lot."

"Aki-chin, do you have any ice creams?" said Murasakibara.

"If you find anything, you can have it. Otherwise, I'm not sure myself."

"This charm should face east. Is there any place I can hang it, nanodayo?"

"Shin-chan! Put that back at once! It's my mom's."

Satsuki was checking the CD collection. Akashi was looking at the showcase. Kuroko and Sora had found a small cache of classic stories, and seemed to be content. Murasakibara was examining a biscuit packet. So she would probably not have any trouble from those quarters.

On the other hand, Aomine and Haizaki were looking at her basketball. Indoors. That wasn't a good sign. Plus, Midorima was staring at the charm. Akira could almost read his mind. He probably intended to change it the first chance he got.

"Guys, how about this one?" said Satsuki holding up a CD.

Akira wasn't a huge fan of the romance genre. Despite all her efforts, she hadn't managed to purge the shelf of that particular genre. Satsuki had somehow managed to find one.

The entire group let out a collective groan.

"Satsuki, you're the only one that watches this stuff!" said Aomine.

"Suki-chan, I've owned that thing for about a year and I still didn't get the guts to watch it..." added Akira.

"Satsuki-san, why don't you pick something else? Something that everyone can watch," suggested Sora.

"Well then, someone else come and pick," said Satsuki, pouting.

All nine of then began rifling the shelf.

"How about this one, nanodayo," said Midorima, holding up a CD.

It was a dystopian film. It was one of that old-time-war movies. Sora, Kuroko and Akashi were okay with it, but the rest of the group firmly vetoed it.

Aomine then held up another CD. It was an action movie. One of the movies where the people in it punched each other twice every time they spoke one sentence. It was also vetoed.

Finally Akira said, " Guys, I have the horror movie that released last week. I haven't watched it yet. Shall we watch it?"

Aomine instantly paled. "You have a lot of other good movies don't you... Why don't we--"

"Scared are we, Aho?" said Haizaki, sneering.

"Not a chance! Fine. Put the damn thing. I'll prove it to you."

And everyone settled down to watch it. The movie began.

"Are you sure that children can watch this--" said Aomine.

"Mine-kun, just because the credits are written in bloody font doesn't mean children can't see it! Besides, this is a horror film..." said Satsuki, in an exasperated tone.

"Chicken!" said Haizaki.


As the movie progressed, Aomine kept getting a shade whiter.

"You think she'll survive this sh*t?" asked Akira.

"Who knows? I think she'll get thrown off the bridge, judging by the way things are going," replied Sora.

"Nah. This is the climax. It'll probably be much more gory," commented Akashi.

Aomine made a gurgling sound.

When the movie finally ended, Aomine breathed a sigh of relief from under the pile of cushions he was hiding behind.

"All because of an Ouija board..." said Akira.

"Wah, I wish we could do it too," said Satsuki.

Akira hesitated. "Suki-chan, I got one long ago. It was a gift."

"Akira-san, you have some weird stuff in your house..." said Sora.

"Gather around folks!"

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