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Chapter 2:


"Eh? The basketball club?" Sora looked critically at Akira. Even though Akira had the ideal build, Sora hadn't expected her to be in the basketball club. Akira was tall and had quite a good shoulder length. On the other hand, Sora was quite slender and short for her age. "So how is the club, Akira-san?"

"Let's see... The guys team is ginormous, and it's really difficult to get a slot in the first string. The girls team on the other hand... There are only really few players. The training is really intense and not many can keep up with it. I got into the bench!"

"That's awesome, Akira-san!"

"Nae, do you want to join our team?"

"Ummm... Well, I already joined the literary club..."

Sora was really bad when it came to sports. Her hand-eye coordination was sometimes downright awful and she could be really clumsy sometimes. So she successfully sidetracked Akira. Just before class started, Akira said,

"Hey, we're having a practice session today after school. Wanna watch?"

Sora looked at Akira's glowing face. She didn't have the heart to refuse her. So she consented, even though she did not know anything about basketball. Oh, well.One could always learn.


Sora made her way over to the basketball court alone. Akira had gone on ahead because she had been late for practice and Sora had had some minor things to take care of, so she had promised Akira that she would catch up. She headed towards the gallery and found that she was not the only one who was going to watch the match. A red headed guy along with the green haired boy from her first day at school were also making their way towards the gallery. This time, the green-head was holding a rubber duck. Sora was burning with curiosity. Even though it was none of her business, she was dying to know what was with the strange series of objects. Both of them were in the same class as her. The red-head politely held the door open for her and she went in. Both of them sat a few seats away from her.

The girl's team had a total population of about ten people. They had split up into teams of five and were playing. Since the teams had been formed only yesterday, Sora could see that much could be desired as far as coordination went. The two guys were constantly whispering in low tones. Sora guessed that they were dissecting the team's prowess. As soon as the short match was over, the two rose and left.

Sora went down to the court and joined Akira as every began to disperse.

"Good game!" she said.

Akira snorted. "We sucked..."

Sora bit her lip. The two guys' expression had told her that much, but there was no way she was going to discourage her friend.

"Nae, Akira, did you see those two guys who were watching the match with me? Well, they said your team had a lot of potential. If you worked hard, you could become Japan's number one!" she lied.

Akira's eyes widened in disbelief. "No way in hell! Do you know who that guy is?"

"I vaguely remember seeing him in class... Why?"

"That red-head was Akashi Seijuro! He is a first string player even though he is just a first year. I've heard he is an awesome strategist! As for the green-head, that was Midorima Shintaro! He is also a first string player and an excellent shooting guard! I've heard his shooting range is just insane."

"Is it?" said Sora politely.

Akira shook her head. " You have no idea about anything I said just now don't you... Well never mind. I'll teach you the basics today," she said enthusiastically.

And all through the way home, Sora was treated to a detailed lecture on basketball.

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