Pursuit of fate

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Chapter 48:

Pursuit of fate

"I swear I made a phone call from here!" said Akira, storming about.

"Aki-san looks like she's using a metal detector on air," commented Satsuki.

"Talk about it..." muttered Aomine, "I called my mom yesterday too. The reception was just fine. Maybe Cancer's damned today after all."

"Don't say anything like that in front of Midorima-kun," warned Kuroko.

"Jeez, Tetsu... I know that!"

"Argh! This is so frustrating!" moaned Akira.

"Cool down!"

Just then Akira spotted one of their classmates on the roof. And he was making a phone call!

"Guys!" said Akira. "Look!"

"Seems like he's getting quite a good reception," commented Aomine.

"But guys, the roof's off limits! Sunako-sensei said that we shouldn't go up there because there's no railing--"

"Suki-chan," said Akira solemnly, "This is a crisis."

"Besides, when have we let rules stop us!" said Aomine. "Let's go."

"It's your head, you know..."


Sora was thoroughly enjoying the scenery. She was itching to step off the road, and pick some of the flowers that grew in abundance. Akira and Satsuki would love them. They were so bright! But her good sense told her that the specter walking next to her wouldn't allow it.

Akashi mostly kept his eyes fixed on the road. Sora supposed that he was double checking the route. He did occasionally look left and right. Anyway, he seemed to be content in his own way. They came to a part where the road branched off into two. Sora was momentarily confused. She cast her memory back to the trip, trying to recall the way.

"Try left," said Akashi.

Sora turned and looked at him. "I thought someone didn't know the route!"

"I said 'try left'," he responded placidly, "I never said it was left."

Sora shook her head. "Left it is then."

They continued walking.

"Beautiful scenery," commented Sora.


"Aren't you cheerful today..."

"Oh, I don't know. I've had better days."

"Anything wrong?" asked Sora, a bit concerned.

"Not really. Can't shake off the feeling that we might get lost."

"We could always get directions you know..."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"Oh," said Sora.

"Hey, i may be just paranoid," he said looking at her expression, "Don't mind me."



"I'm sure about the way to the store. I was going to come alone, remember? So don't worry, we won't get lost."

"Like that mall incident?" he said quietly.

Sora stared at him. Damn Akira! Sora made a mental note to kill her as soon as they got back.

"That was different! Okay, fine. You see that bend up ahead? We have to turn there. As soon as we do so, there will be an orchard surrounded by a white fence. I'm positive!"

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