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Chapter 37:


Akashi's match against Aomine had to wait. It was already getting late. Plus everyone who had lost had to run ten laps, so the two of them decided to play later. As everyone got ready to run, they heard a voice behind them.

"Umm... Excuse me, but do I have to run?"

The court resounded with their exclamations of surprise. It was Kuroko. He was waiting for one of them to reply.

"Tetsu-kun, were you waiting all this time?" said Akira.

"I was refereeing every single match. Could it be none of you noticed--" he began in a slightly hurt tone.

"Thank you for all your hard work, Kuroko-kun!" said Sora.

"You did a good job, nanodayo."

"Thanks, Tetsu."

"Keep it up, Tetsu-kun!"

"I didn't exactly do anything. But welcome..." said Kuroko, who was aware that his friends were trying to comfort him.

"You don't have to run all ten rounds, Kuroko. Besides, you didn't exactly lose, so it's no big deal." said Akashi.

"Ok. But I like running with everyone, so I'll join you."

Akashi decided that he'd rather run with the rest than watch. When Aomine heard this, he hastened to join.

"I think he doesn't want to be left alone in the court." giggled Akira, whispering to Sora. "He has a soft corner for ghosts."


Sora deposited some books she didn't need in the locker. When she turned to leave she saw Akashi in the corridor. He was leaving too, and Sora caught up with him.

"Are you angry with me?" he asked, after a short pause.

"Any reason I should be?"

"Today's match..."

"What about it?"

"Well, I beat you..."

"I've lost a hundred times before. You're not exactly the first."

"Oh, good... I thought you would be annoyed as usual."

"I said I wasn't angry. I didn't mention annoyed, which I am by the way."

"I see. I almost considered going easy..."

Sora turned to face him sharply. "Why?"

He looked at the floor for a few seconds before answering. "It happens sometimes--not only to me--I've seen the others have the same look sometimes. People who have played with us... They slowly cease to do so. Something about 'knowing the outcome'. Aomine gets the worst of it... But it's not like the rest of us don't think the same... If you stop too..."

Sora snapped her fingers breaking him out of his thoughts. "Idiot. As if! You know what, I'd rather lose a thousand times before admitting defeat to the likes of you. Besides, even if I don't win the battle, I might win the war."


"Don't even think of being condescending--"

"Didn't you say you weren't angry--"

"Past tense."

"Forgive me."

"To hell with that..." said Sora but she nodded anyway.


Akira was waiting for Sora at the school gate as usual. Sora seemed to be lost in thought. Akira was internally debating about breaking her line of thought, when Sora herself spoke up.

"Akira-san, have you every thought... that somewhere out there, there might be a team as powerful as the g.o.m?"

"Yeah. For all I know, there might. Why?"

"I was thinking... What if we one day face such a team?"

"Hmmm... I dunno. Go all out?"

Sora smiled at Akira. "Yup. And when I do, I definitely don't want us to be on the losing side."

"Okhay... Just don't spoil your health over it."

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