Extra chapter: Locker exorcism

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Author's note:

Hey! The story has been a bit serious for a while. So a little comic relief. This incident takes place sometime in the first term. The chapter about the exorcism of Aomine's locker.

Extra chapter: Locker exorcism

Aomine reached for one of the granola bars in his locker. He was starving. Practice had given him quite an appetite. He put the granola bar in his mouth. It had a slightly weird smell. Aomine made a mental note to never keep his sneakers in the locker. And then he remembered.... He'd thought of that last week.

Aomine was caught up in thoughts. Then he noticed his classmate standing next to him and staring at the locker next to his.

"Yo, Yukiteru. Are we waiting for the locker to sprout wings?"

Yukiteru was shaken out of his reverie. "Oh. Aomine-san.... It's just....Well the locker next to yours isn't being used now is it?"

"Nah. Why? I was thinking of knocking out the divide myself for the space.....but if you want it..."

Yukiteru sucked in his breath. "So...the stories are true afterall...."

"What? About me putting a hole in the middle? I haven't exactly done it yet."

Yukiteru shook his head, exasperated. "Aomine-san, that locker apparantly belonged to someone long ago...."

"Isn't that a bit obvious?"

"And that someone commited suicide. Rat poison I think."

Aomine gazed at him in horror. "Suicide..... poison....."

"......oh, and the locker may be haunted."


"Oi, Midorima. Are hauntings contagious?" demanded Aomine.

Midorima delicately adjusted his glass. "That would more often depend on the type of medium, circumstances and sometimes even timings. Hauntings can vary from case to case. If you are talking about the yokai types....."

"Enough!" cut in Akashi. "Aomine, you know better than to open such conversations with Midorima. Quit talking about nonsense."

"But...." began Aomine.

"Don't worry, Aomine-san." said Sora. "Common cold is probably more contagious. So if you should be worried about something...."

"There have been reported sightings though...." put in Akira.

"Akira!" said Sora.

"Tamotsu, we already have enough on our hands without you supporting him." said Akashi.

"But it might be true!" protested Akira.

"There was this particular case in 1985...." began Midorima.

"Shut up!" everyone chorused, Aomine included.


Aomine was now properly weary of the other locker. He treated it with great respect, even apologizing to it if he touched it. And then it happened.....

Aomine was picking up his shoes for practice when he heard a slight scratching sound. Aomine froze. The sound came again. And then Aomine lost it.


"Aomine-kun, you realize, it's getting late." said Akira.

"I swear.... I definitely heard it. Try listening."

"You know, Aomine-kun, according to horror story logic, even if we do try, we'll probably hear nothing." said Sora.

"The story is probably nonsense." said Akashi. "I think I'll have a word with Yukiteru later...." said Akashi.

"That's unnecessary...." said Aomine.

"Mine-chin, there's nothing in there. I'm hungry. I think I'll go home now." said Murasakibara.

"Aomine-kun, there's probably a rational explaination" said Kuroko.

"I swear! Something's going on here!"

Akashi sighed. "Aomine. We'll go your way. Look. I'll tape the edges of this locker. So nothing can come out right?"

"I don't think it works that way...."

"It has to. Because I just said so."


Sora was fetching her shoes for practice. She had a slight feeling that something was not right. She turned to leave and then it hit her.

The tape around Aomine's locker was missing.

Sora had no idea what to do. She rushed inside the class. Luckily, Midorima and Akashi were playing chess there as usual. They looked up when she entered.

"What's wrong, Himeji?" said Akashi.

"The tape....the tape around Aomine-san's locker is missing."

Midorima looked like he was having a field-trip. "Let's go and examine it, nanodayo."

"Maybe it was just the janitor or something." said Akashi. "Want to play chess? Midorima looks too distracted to focus."

Sora collapsed on a chair. "Cleaning never starts before our practice."

Akashi sighed. "So be it. Let's go take a look at the locker."


"No abnormal external signs. Except the missing tape, nanodayo." said Midorima.

"It's locked isn't it...." contemplated Sora, gently pulling the lock.

"Step aside, Himeji."


Akashi pulled out a pin and inserted it into the lock. He moved it slightly. The locker swung open. Midorima and Sora peered in anxiously.

There was nothing.

"Nothing there. Let's go." said Akashi.

"I smell something." said Sora. I think it's sweet.... No. There's also this mild spicy smell...."

"Don't get lured, nanodayo!" said Midorima, alarmed. "Spirits have several ways to....."

Akashi went closer too. "You're right. I can smell it too.... Is it...."

"Food!" they both said at the same time. And then they began to smile insanely.

"Result of opening locker; two possessions, nanodayo....."


Aomine was the last to arrive. The rest were waiting for him.

"Aomine, you're going to listen to a little story." said Akashi.

"Aka-chin, is it really necessary?"

"Yes, it is Murasakibara."

"Mine-chin, I store food in the locker next to yours. I.... transferred it somewhere else yesterday. I'm not telling where."

Aomine looked at him in disbelief. "Then the sounds....."

"Mice." said Sora slightly wrinkling her nose. "Murasakibara-san how can you even eat that...."

"Don't worry Sora-chin, I have a safer hiding place now."

"You guys are messing with me! There's something wrong with that locker!" said Aomine and left in a huff.

"Time for plan B." said Akashi.


"You ready, Midorima?" said Akashi.

"I am, nanodayo." said Midorima adjusting his glasses for the final time.

"Shouldn't you be dressed in ceremonial robes?" inquired Aomine.

"Aho. This is an art. If you want to cosplay, do it some other time."

"Just get this over with." said Akashi.

Midorima began his chant.

Sora and Akira were watching.

"Akira-san, do you really think Midorima-san knows at least a bit about exorcism?"

"God knows."

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