Real test

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Chapter 17:

Real test

As expected, Teiko breezed through the prelims. They would be participating in the next stage of the competition which was due in three months. They had ample time to get ready. But everyone had other concerns now. The term tests were coming up. They were now up for the real test. Literally.

To top everything off, only those who scored above average in the tests would be allowed to participate in the tournament. The team captains had taken it upon themselves to make sure everyone did well. For most, this turned out to be just a mild annoyance. But to some...

Sora was in the library looking for a book when she heard a loud 'Arrrrrrgggggghhhhh' followed by a tutting sound from the librarian. 'Oro? Isn't that Aomine-san?' she thought. This sort of tweaked her curiosity and she decided to go take a look.

She found the gom and Akira trying in vain to 'group study'. Akashi was rubbing his temples and staring at his book. Murasakibara was trying to eat a piece of candy without arousing the librarian's suspicion. Akira was valiantly trying to teach Aomine grammar and Midorima seemed to be enjoying the show. Aomine seemed to have given up and was now balancing a pencil on his nose for Kuroko's amusement. Kuroko ( eh?! So he was there after all....) was however, immersed in his Japanese history book.

"Aomine-san, quiet down. Or else someone from the next town might come and correct your grammar," commented Sora with a laugh.

Aomine grinned and continued to balance the pencil. Akashi beckoned for Sora to sit down and she did so.

"Sora-chan!" moaned Akira, "I've been trying to teach this aho grammar for the past one hour. And he hasn't got even a single thing till now! Help!"

"Looks like the only thing he learnt properly is to balance a pencil," teased Sora.

Aomine winked. "I can now do it for five minutes," he proclaimed proudly, "Aiming for the record!"

"As for grammar, don't ask me anything," said Sora to Akira. To Aomine she said, "Try going with your gut feeling. It's what I do usually."

"Roger that!"

"Do you need help with grammar?" inquired Akashi.

"Will your method of teaching grammar be anything similar to how you teach me basketball?" asked Sora suspiciously.


"... Same here then."

"I have an idea," declared Akira, "Let's group study on the roof today evening!"

"Akira-san, you do realize we have only one week--" began Sora, but all the others seemed to think it would be a great idea, so she decided to join in.

As she left the library, Akashi reminded her to bring her English textbook. Sora shuddered. Perhaps she could reconsider...


Everyone gathered at the rooftop after the bell rang. Haizaki was not present but they shrugged it off as Nijimura-senpai's headache. Kuroko decided to read Japanese history again. Murasakibara decided to go with Science. Midorima, Akira and Aomine decided to tackle math and the trio were now having a heated argument over inequalities. Akashi and Sora were watching them argue with amusement.

"How long do you think they'll take to figure out that none of the considered that two on the l.h.s?" mused Sora.

"Midorima will be the first... After five minutes," he said, "Now, grammar...."

Sora winced. "Is it strictly necessary--"


After nearly twenty minutes of relentless struggling, Sora managed to get a few of the questions right. The trio had given up on math and decided to learn grammar too.

"Right, let's try the M.C.Q's," suggested Akashi.

"Then I'll try math again. I have no issues with M.C.Qs , nanodayo," said Midorima.

"So confident?" said Akashi, raising his eyebrows.

"I have aid from fate , nanodayo."


"I have my lazy-God-lucky pencil. It's cent percent accurate, nanodayo."

"That's preposterous."

"Ask me anything, nanodayo."

"Eh? I'll take that as a challenge..."

Akashi began to intensely question Midorima. He even tried asking him extra questions and lessons which were out of portion. But to everyone's surprise, Midorima did fare quite well and was about 95% accurate.

"I don't believe it!" choked Sora.

"Where do they sell this!" chorused Akira and Aomine.

"Don't you two dare!" exclaimed Sora. "There's no such thing as blind luck!"

"Fortune favours those who work hard," quoted Akashi.

"Well there's nothing wrong with a backup plan," said Kuroko.

"You too?"

"He's right," added Murasakibara.

Everyone turned towards Midorima. He shrugged. "I can get one for everyone, nanodayo."


"Not so fast," said Akashi, "You will do that only if everyone prepares hard. Otherwise I won't condone this."

"Right, nanodayo."

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