Chapter 44 (edited)

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(Hunter's POV) (promised day, central)

I grabbed Armstrong's arm. "At least let me bandage this." I pointed at the cut on her arm.

"That might be a good idea." Izumi encouraged.

Major Armstrong nodded.

General Armstrong sighed harshly and plopped herself back down.

"You!" I pointed at a Central soldier. He looked at me. "Do you have medical supplies?" I pointed at his bag.

He handed me a medical bag.

I quickly began cleaning and dressing the wound. "General, was that the same beast you battled at Briggs?" I asked, putting the pieces of her story together.


"And those mannequins, is that what you saw in that room?" I continued and she nodded. I knew it.

I put her arm in a sling. "You can fight with one arm right?" I teased.

"Don't be stupid." She growled at me. I chuckled.

"I'd like to examine you as well, Major." I tied the sling behind General Armstrong's neck.

"Very well." He sat down.

I examined him. His shoulder looks off. I poked around and moved his arm in different directions.

"How did you know that beast was dying?" General Armstrong looked at me.

I stayed silent for a moment. "Months back, Mustang and his squad went on a raid. Mustang was up against another one of his kind, the Homunculus named Lust. He incinerated her and her body turned to dust." I answered

"I see."

"Was your shoulder dislocated?" I stepped back and looked at the Major.

"Yes, but the beast popped it back in place." He nodded.

"Mmhmm. Get it properly set when this is over. I've never reset a dislocation and I wouldn't want to mess it up more." I stood in front of him.

"But your shoulder should be fine, for now at least. Other than a few bruises and cuts, everything seems fine." I smiled, handing him gauze so that he could wipe off the blood on his face.

He smiled back at me. "Thank you Devlin."

"You seem to know a lot." Izumi spoke up. "Are you a military doctor?"

I shook my head. "No, only a medic."

"You should consider it, you'd be good in that realm." She complimented me.

"Alright, let's move out." General Armstrong ordered.

"I can't General." I stayed back as the rest of the group stood at the door. She turned to look at me.

"Buccaneer is expecting me at the main gate." I gestured to the other side of the building. She stayed silent a moment, thinking over what I said.

She sighed and turned her head away from me, avoiding my gaze. "Go."

I looked at the rest of the group. The rest of the group smiled, while Armstrong had her back turned to me.

I'd like to say stay safe, but they'll be fine.

I chuckled. "Izumi, we need to have tea some time, when this is over of course."

She smiled. "Of course, I look forward to it."

I gave the group one last smile before turning and leaving the room.

I ran down the hallway and made it to operations, I poked my head in checking on the group in there.

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