Chapter 58 (edited)

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(Roy's POV)


She was asleep.

I moved my hand around, looking for her hand.

Once I found it I ran my fingers down her palm and into her sleeve; I rubbed her wrist. I did the same with her other wrist and let out breath of relief.

No new scars...

I relaxed back into my pillow. I knew I was facing her, I pictured what her face would've looked like, replacing the darkness with the image of her.

It wasn't the same as actually seeing her but this was my new reality.

I lay still for a moment.

What if I forget her face? My heart jumped. What if I already forgot her face?? What if I'm imaging someone else???

My breath quickened.

But slowed when I felt movement next to me and arms tighten around me. She shifted herself closer to me, pressing herself against me.

I smiled to myself completely forgetting about my worries.

(Hunter's POV)

I woke up to the image of a sleeping Roy.

I watched him for a few moments, taking everything in before I got up. I didn't realize how much I missed this.

I took a small breath before slowly and gently untangling myself out of his arms.

I don't really need to be careful.. he's always been a heavy sleeper. I chuckled to myself.

I sat at the edge of his bed, thinking about yesterday and last night. My heart still ached but it wasn't as bad anymore.

I glanced over at Riza, she was also sleeping.

I stood up and walked over to the window, the sun was just coming up. That's when I realized just how hot and sweaty I was from sleeping in my heavy coat.


I looked back at Roy. He's probably sweaty too...

What time is it? I dug in my pocket for my military watch. 6:45..

I looked back at Roy. I should go home and change, maybe shower....

I need to change my bandages anyways.

I walked back to the bed and looked down at Roy. You look so peaceful...

Running my fingers through his hair I realized that he was also sweaty, I retracted my hand. That's disgusting-

I chuckled to myself and leaned down, kissing his forehead. "I'll be back."

(Roy's POV)

I woke up to silence.

I took a breath in and felt an empty spot next to me. I sat myself up. "Hunter?"

"She's not here."


"Oh.." I felt awkward. I guess she went home last night... Aaaand I started feeling sad at that thought.

"She left early this morning. The sound of the door woke me up."

"Oh!" I smiled. I guess she did stay then...

"Have you two had the chance to talk?" She questioned me.

I took a breath. "Not yet."

"You should. It's only a misunderstanding, she'll understand."

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