Chapter 8 (revised)

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(Roy's POV)

I walked, no,

I wasn't walking, I was running, back to my office. You dumbass, you dumbass. Why would you do that!

Once I was far away enough from her office, I slowed to a walking pace. My heart was racing, I couldn't believe I'd just done that. What the hell? She was having a panic attack and you tried to-

I sighed. I can't believe Bradley demoted her. I can't believe she set the Furher's office door on fire! The door was black and burnt when I got there, and when I opened it, it fell off the hinges.

She's working with us now.

I stopped walking when I remembered that detail.

She's working with us now..

Words cannot describe the amount of panic and conflict I felt. I mean yeah I was thrilled that she'd be working with us and I'd get to see her everyday, but we hadn't worked everything out yet.

What if we fight again?..

I walked into my office, dreading having to break the news to my team. After their first interaction they were on the fence about her.

"What did the Furher want?" Havoc asked.

"He put General Devlin on our team." I looked at them.

"But, you're our commanding officer." Fuery spoke.

I rubbed my neck. "She was demoted to Major, I'm her commanding officer now."

"What?" Hawkeye spoke.

"Can he do that?" Havoc looked at me.

I shrugged. "Apparently. He's the Furher."

I pointed to the empty desk in front of Fuery's desk. "Clean that out and prepare it." He got up.

"Wait! She's really coming to work with us?" Falman looked shocked.

I stood up straight. "Yes! That's what I said."

"What did she do to get demoted?" Hawkeye looked concerned.

I sat down with a sigh. "He said that she wasn't suited for the senior staff."

"So he just demoted her!" Havoc spoke. "That's gotta be humiliating for her."

I nodded. It probably is.. "Apparently, her medical skills will benefit us."

"This is going to be an adjustment.." I said under my breath.

"Of course it's going to be!" Falman heard me. "You seem to know absolutely nothing about her! How is this a good idea?"

I shot a glare at him. He caught on and quickly shut up. "It's best not to say anything like that to me."

He nodded. "Of course sir."

(Hunter's POV)

I carried my box out of my office and walked down the hall.

My stomach dropped when I saw Major Armstrong, Ross and Brosh following him. Well, they'd find out sooner or later.

I crossed paths with them.

"Hello General Devlin." Armstrong sounded delighted.

"Hello Major, Ross, Brosh. And it's Major now." I sighed.

They looked confused.

"You were demoted? Why?" Ross sounded confused.

I shrugged. "Apparently I'm not suited for the rank of General."

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