Chapter 56 (edited)

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(Hunter's POV)

She sat quiet, knowing that she said something she was not supposed to.

Miles came back into the room.

"Repeat that again for me Sir." I glared at her.

"What's going on?" Miles stepped closer.

I turned to him. "Did you know?"

He stepped back surprised by my expression.

"Did you?!" I raised my voice. "Major Miles, did you or did you not know about Bradley being the cause for Mustang and I's separation?"

"Enough Devlin!" Armstrong's loud voice echoed. I turned to her, coming face to face with the woman.

Two women of power working side by side is terrifying in its own right. But having them come face to face, butting heads? That's even scarier.

The tension in the room raised.

Miles put his hands on my shoulders, quickly trying to defuse the situation. "Devlin-"

"You would know sooner or later. It was just a matter of time." She cut him off.

I turned to Miles, looking for his excuse.

"I did know. But how was I supposed to tell you? You were so upset over Buccaneer, I wouldn't add to your heartache." He reasoned.

"That was not your call to make." I walked passed both of them, throwing my uniform and jacket on the bed. "I am going to see Mustang and when I come back you two will be gone."

"Oh what?! I'm taking orders from you now?!" Armstrong yelled at me.

"Are you abandoning us?!" Miles interjected.

I turned to both of them. "I am not abandoning you. You are my family. You are all I have left. But I cannot stand to see you right now." My voice was stone.

"You knew what kind of pain I was in, you knew how I felt, and yet you withheld the truth from me! I have a right to be angry!" My voice was louder than both of theirs.

I walked to the door. "I will come to you when I'm ready but I don't want to see either of you right now. So with all due respect, leave."

I glared at them and then left. I understand that you wanted to protect me, but that was not something you should've protected me from.

I stood in the elevator, an angry yet anxious mess. The amount of anger inside me.. I was shaking.

My heart stopped once the elevator doors opened, leading to the floor Roy's room is on.

I walked down the hall and came up to Ross and just by the look on my face, she knew it would not be a good idea to ask questions.

She opened the door for me and I walked in. I looked at Riza's bed, she wasn't in the room. The only people in the room were Falman, Breda and of course Roy.

Just by the way I walked in and the look on my face, combined with the outraged energy radiating off me, they knew that I had finally found the truth.

They both closed the books they were holding.

"We should step out.." Breda put his book down.

"Yeah.." Falman agreed.

"Wait, why?" Roy was confused.

"You have a visitor. A certain Inferno looking for an answer." Breda pointed at me.

Falman walked up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Go easy on him."

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