Chapter 2 (revised)

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(Hunter's POV)

I wonder how things will be when I get there. I walked along the path to North City.

It's clear that they've been stationed there for a few months. The return address on the letters changed from Eastern Command to Central Command.

I took a breath, the crisp air was refreshing. He's probably angry. I would be angry too, if someone I loved took off without saying anything.

I chuckled at my inner dialogue. As if he ever loved me in the first place. I stopped walking at that thought, why do I feel so shitty all of a sudden? I looked at the blue sky. It was clear, which meant it would be a cold day and probably a cold night.

Being out here for so long, you learn a thing or two about the environment.

I assumed my bad mood was because I was forced out of my home, and forced to enter the tigers den, aka Central command.

I dug in my pocket as I continued on the path. I was offered a car but declined. I wanted to look at the scenery before leaving. I only assumed it would be a while before I come back. I'm definitely coming back one day. This is the place I choose to be.

3:00. I sighed putting my alchemist watch back in my pocket. "Train leaves at 4. I'll probably get there late."

It wasn't long till I reached North City. I walked along the streets. Townsfolk smiling and greeting me as I walked on the sidewalk. I had made many friends during my time here.

I walked by a familiar building and backtracked. It was a bar Buccaneer and I would visit on our nights off. It sorta became the spot the Briggs men hung out at.

I walked through the doors and the bar was empty. I wasn't surprised, it was early in the day to start drinking.

"General!" The bartender greeted me.

I smiled. "Mac."

"You leaving?" He gestured to my bag and manila envelope.

"Ah, yes. Unfortunately." I set my bag down and sat on a stool.

"Where you headed?" He put his rag down.


He chuckled. "Back to the big city. I'm not surprised, you're a city girl, after all."

I stayed silent, I wasn't exactly excited to go Central.

"Can I get you anything?"

I laughed. "At this hour? No way!"

He laughed with me. "You're right. You're on duty right now."

He continued talking while I glanced around. I sat in my usual stool. There were a lot of fond memories here. I glanced at Buccaneers usual stool next to me. It would be hard for Buccaneer to come back without me.

I spent my hour visiting with Mac. It would be a long time before I see him again.

I sighed as I stood. "Well Mac, it's been lovely, but it's time for me to leave."

He made his way around the bar and hugged me. "Come visit soon okay?"

I chuckled. "Okay."

"Saturday's will be quiet without you here."

I smiled. "It won't be like that for long. I'll be back soon." I picked up my bag and envelope.

"I'm going to hold you to that!" Mac yelled as I reached the door.

"Take care Mac!"

I had reached the train station and stood on the platform. A few minutes passed and the train finally arrived. I took my final breath of clean air before stepping onto the train.

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