Chapter 19 (revised)

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(Hunter's POV)

"Which channels the Provost Marshals office?" Roy flipped through pages of a notebook.

I stood guard at the windows and looked down onto the street.

"Got it! You haven't let me down Fuery." It sounded like he was flipping channels on Fuery's radio.

Meanwhile, I looked at my clip, making sure it was still loaded.

Roy and Riza set up the radio and began calling on the channels.

Roy pinched his nose, making his voice sound all nasally. "Attention, this is sector 3 patrol. We're under attack from Scar. Request immediate backup. What- No! No! Nooooo!" He began screaming, obviously playing the part very well.

I covered my mouth, trying to muffle out my laughter. That's cute.

He switched channels. "Alright, onto sector 17." He laughed, very much enjoying himself. "This is pretty fun! Come in! Come in!"

Riza rolled her eyes at me. I snickered to myself, amused with his silliness.

He pinched his nose again. "MP HQ, calling sector 8. Scar is currently fighting a young man, the young man is a State Alchemist. Do NOT fire."

I could hear the reports over the radio, I just kept my eyes on the streets. Watching MPs run by the building and then disappearing into the street.

My mind drifted to the Ishvalan war and memories flooded back. I remembered how the city was bombed, how people were trapped in the city by walls that were transmuted.

How people ran from me and towards the walls, as the only exist was where the wall stood. All I did was walk and they rushed away from me out of fear.

And how I held up my hand and-

I'm gonna throw up-

I knelt by a trash can, trying hard not to vomit. I gagged a few times before the nausea subsided. I took a breath and sat up. Always get nauseous after a flashback..

Riza put her hand on my back. "Are you alright?"

I glanced at Roy before looking at her. He couldn't get up since he was still busy with the radio, trying to distract the MPs.

"Yeah just... ." I stood up again, taking my position at the window. "I'm okay, just focus on your job." I gestured to the radio.

"We have a girl in custody in sector 8, who appears to be a friend of the Fullmetal Alchemist. Escort her to Central command. Repeat, sector 8, girl in custody who appears to be a friend of the Fullmetal Alchemist."

I looked at the radio. "That sounds like Winry.. Shit."

"It's just about time." Roy took his headset off and looked at Riza. "Go and back them up."

"Right." Riza nodded. I watched as she stood up, taking her military uniform top off before opening Fuery's wardrobe.

"There's a vacant house outside of town." He handed her a paper. "That's where we'll meet up. Don't be followed."

She took the paper. "Okay."

I noticed she only had one gun in her holster. "Lieutenant."

She looked at me and I threw her my only gun. "45 caliber and it's loaded."

She checked the clip. "Are you sure you won't need it?"

"Nah." I held up my gloves. "I figure it's time to use alchemy anyways."

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