Chapter 23 (revised)

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(Hunter's POV)

I left Central command and was on my way home. What will I do tomorrow? It's so boring in Central.

I hadn't gotten too far away from command when I heard a woman's screaming. I immediately stopped and looked for where it was coming from.

It was coming from an alleyway just a few feet in front of me. I put my books down and peaked around the corner and found an older taller man holding a woman against the wall.

"Hey!" I snapped my fingers, transmuting a flame towards him which caused him to let the woman go.

She pushed passed and ran towards me. I transmuted again when he tried following her.

"Go." I nudged her to run. I looked back and the guy was running down the alley. "Hey!" I followed him, transmuting whenever I could.

I followed him into a garage. It was dark in here, completely dark. Shit.. I should get out of here before-

And then I heard the garage door slam shut. Fuck-

My stomach dropped. I just walked into a trap.. how stupid of me.. I should've known better than to follow him alone. You get careless and you get dead..

I stood in complete darkness. Anything could hit me- whoever is in here with me could attack me, and I won't know from which angle and with what objects.

I transmuted a flame that lit up the garage for a few seconds. In those seconds, I looked around and found the door. Yes..!

I ran towards it but then-

"Not so fast-"

I was knocked back onto the ground, the flames disappeared quickly so I couldn't see who it was.

I quickly stood up and transmuted again, trying to find who ever did it.

But as soon as I did that, millions of flash bombs went off.

There was a continuous flashing on all sides of me and the noise-

The noise was the worst, it was deafening in a painful way, and because the garage was so big and so empty, the sounds bounced off the walls and made it even louder.

The flashing irritated my eyes, the loud banging rang in my ears. I groaned painfully, covering my ears, doing anything to drown the sound out.

There was a sick sharp pain in my ears, almost enough to make me bang my head on something, almost enough to make me rip my ears out.

I screamed again feeling a sharp pain rip through my side. I gasped feeling the pain in my side. I let my ears go and held my side, feeling my blood rush out.

Meanwhile the flash bombs and the loud echoing continued. My hands and body trembled. I was in too much pain to even transmute again.

It was damn near impossible to even think straight with this noise, this painful noise in my head; it was paralyzing.

I was knocked onto my back, the flashing stopped and the lights turned back on. I lay on my back gasping and groaning, and there was a ringing in my ear.

I couldn't hear a thing. I was terrified. I couldn't hear, I couldn't move, I couldn't defend myself. BP's plummeting, I'm losing volume. I'm probably going to lose consciousness soon.

And then someone towered over me, someone with long black spikey hair, held up by a headband, minimal clothing. They were talking but I couldn't make out what they're saying.

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