Chapter 31 (revised)

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(Hunter's POV)

I sat in front of Armstrong's desk, while she sat behind it, comprehending everything I had just explained. From my demotion, to my downgrade to Mustang squad, and finally, my expulsion.

"You got yourself demoted?"

I rolled my eyes. "I did not. They promoted me to the senior staff, then demoted me to Mustang's squad of their own volition."

She sighed and sat back. "Well, that isn't surprising, considering what we found out. But your discharge is another matter."

I sat nervously, she was never a fan of Roy, I don't know why. "I found out that I was reassigned to Briggs again, however... I resigned. An hour later, I was discharged on bad conduct and my state Alchemist title was revoked."

She sat quietly. "You resigned instead of coming back here?" She sounded so calm that it was frightening.

I nodded.

"Might I ask why?"

I took a breath. "You're not going to like my answer General."

She chuckled quietly.

Oh god... she's laughing..

"Does it have something to do with a certain Colonel?"

I didn't answer. I mean she already knew anyways, I'm not going to rat myself out. I took a breath. "A while back, Mustang's squad got into some trouble. I wasn't apart of the first mission, but I was there for the second one and well.. we found some things.. Things I'm sure Fullmetal told you."

She nodded.

"The result was the squad's separation, and why I was reassigned back here but-"

"But you resigned for someone who was vile to you." She interrupted.

I sighed. "But I was discharged."

She looked... unhappy with what I just said. But it looks like they really, really want me back here. Don't get me wrong, I want to come back, but there's no way for me to have both of the things I want.

In a perfect world, I could have both. But the world isn't perfect, it isn't even fair, and all you can do is roll with what you're given.

Ed said that I should talk to Armstrong, but she's not saying anything.

"We were attacked a few days ago, by this monster who dug a tunnel and came through the lowest level of the development centre." She started.

"Was it from Drachma?"

She shook her head. "That's what we thought initially as well, but no, it wasn't. Fullmetal informed us that it was a Homunculus." She took a breath. "We tried firing at it but it had no effect. We used tanks-"

I gasped. "You got the tanks up and running?!"

She looked annoyed with me. "His wounds regenerated and the tanks had no effect on it."

I nodded. Sounds like a Homunculus-

"We brought it to gate 8 and doused it in tank fuel. Since we couldn't kill it, we had to slow it down. We pushed him over the rail and it froze immediately."

I sat back. "Yeah.. quick thinking.. This is what I miss about Briggs."

"The tunnel it dug is big enough to fit a platoon and curves slightly, and continues on, but there's no one in there." She got up and put a map of Amestris in front of me.

I looked it over and found a bunch of places circled.

She sat back down. "I brought Fullmetal and his brother into the tunnel. He asked for my help, and spoke about the philosopher stone, Homunculi and the Furher, father and the senior staff. He also said that his friend and Mustang's men are hostages." She glanced at me. "He also told me you were attacked by a Homunculus and lost your hearing."

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